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"Oh my gosh! Ichigo! What are you doing here! I have to get you out! Ha ha ha ha ha just kidding you stupid bitch! You thought that those Konoha ninja would really protect you? From me! I knew where you were the whole time! I just let you get comfortable for a while before snatching you again! You really are stupid to think that you would he away." Her hands wiped away tears that pooled in her eyes as I glared and leaned forward, putting more strain on my wrists, making them bleed more.

"Where are Yuhi and Cas? Were they with you on this?!"

"No, they're dead, they didn't give me the information I wanted, so I killed them." she said as she looked at her nails. She said it so easily, like our time together was nothing.

"How dare you!" I growled at her and tried to lunge but I was still trapped in my chair. She laughed at me and just watched me struggle.

"If you tell me where the scrolls are, I might be able to let you live."
"What are you talking about? What scrolls!?" A stinging sensation overcame my right cheek forcing my head to the left.

"The scrolls, the ones your family guards! The scrolls the Sage of Six Paths gave your ancestors to guard centuries ago! WHERE ARE THEY!?"
She shook my shoulders and yelled at me.
"I don't know." another slap, She walked over to the small metal table and brought it over and placed it infront of me.
"I thought you were smarter than this, Ichigo. Out of all three of the girls I liked you most. You weren't as stupid as the others. I watched over you for the black flames. They had me befriend you, try to gain your trust so you would tell me where they are, now where are they!!"
I spat some blood into her face.
"Go drown in a river."
"You should go about this the easy way." she said as she stabbed the scalpel through my left thy.
I screamed in pain, this is for Naruto, this is for Kakashi, this is for my family, it's not pain, don't feel it. I thought to myself, willing myself to no longer make any noises.

Narutos POV

It has been a week since Ichigo was kidnapped....

"KAKASHI!!!!" I shouted, I knew that they were close so maybe he could help me find her. I ran through the village yelling his name to find him and hope that he come to me.

"What's wrong, Naruto, you seem to be in a panic." came Kakashi's lazy voice from beside me causing me to jump.

"Kakashi-sensei! I have a big problem! It's-"
"If you still have that stomach ache go see the hospital." he sighed and started to walk off, before he could use his transportation Jutsu I shouted at him,
"It's about Kiada! She's in some sort of trouble!" He stopped mid-hand sign and turned to me with an wide eye.

"What kind of trouble?"
"Come with me to the apartment and you will see. There we can talk more privately to." We both ran to the apartment and I opened the door, looking at the blood pools and Kuni knives that decorate the place.
"What happened?" Was his first question.
"I don't know, I came home to find it like this, on the floor was this envelope" I handed it to him as I searched for clues."It seems whoever took her knew her from the cloud village, we should go and see the Hokage about this." I nodded and we ran to his office.

At the office

"Ichigo has been kidnapped, how could they get into the village without us knowing? Kakashi, grab any Other Sensei's that you think are trust worthy, bring their teams as well. We have to find her, before it is to late."
I turned to the old man, "What do you mean, before it is to late?" He shook his head as he stood up and walked to the window his hands clasped behind his back.

Soon the others arrived as well as the rest of my team.
"I will be giving you all am A-ranked mission, possibly an S-ranked one, I know you all wish to be training for the third test, but this takes priority over that. A certain citizen has gone missing-"
"Sir, with all due respect, why are we searching for a citizen, and why would it be an A-rank mission?" Sakura cut in, Shikamaru looks shocked,
"It's Ichigo, isn't it? Ichigo has been kidnapped!?" He sounded frightened, finally the third turned to face us, his face grave.
"Yes shikamaru, it is Ichigo" Shikamaru cursed out loud.
"You currently know her as Kiada Lassiar, she is from the cloud village and came here for protection, her real name is Ichigo Tsumi from the Tsumi clan. Now for you to understand how important this mission is, you must know that the Tsumi clan and the story of the Sage of Six Paths go hand in hand as they were the first clan that he taught the art of Ninjutsu to.
" Now, the sage and the head of the clan, whose name was Naruto, became like brothers. Now Naruto and all his future decendants were given the task of protecting a group of very special scrolls. The scroll of Charka Paths, it allows the reader an unlimited amount of chakra for the rest of their lives. The scroll of Lives Past, it allows the person to bring back the dead, and they can live like a normal human being, not an reanimation. The scroll of History, it allows the reader to know anything that they desire. The scroll of destruction, it is powerful enough to blow up an entire Country, The scroll of Time, it allows them to see the future and manipulate time as they see fit. And finally The scroll of the Gods, it allows the reader to have God like powers and create life, like the tailed demons. The Tsumi clan have been guardians of these scrolls and only the head of the clan know where and how to get them, and only they can read them since it is in their native tounge.
"That's right, Ichigo knows where these scrolls are and are their guardian. She is more powerful than all the Kages combined with the knowledge of where these scrolls are. That is why we must get her, she is the last of her clan, and she is a part of this village, plus the fate of the world rests on if she tells them the location. You must find her!"

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