Pieces of me cont....

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Warning: use of bad language, viewer discretion is advised :)

"Niat?" They could hear her voice echo throughout the hospital cafeteria as they watched the memory of the recently kidnaped Ichigo.

Naruto and Kakashi sat at the edge of their chairs, knowing who Niat was to Ichigo, she was a precious friend of hers that she thought that she lost in the destruction of her home village, but apparently she was alive all along.

"Oh my gosh! Ichigo! What are you doing here! I have to get you out! Ha ha ha ha ha just kidding you stupid bitch! You thought that those Konoha ninja would really protect you? From me! I knew where you were the whole time! I just let you get comfortable for a while before snatching you again! You really are stupid to think that you would he away." Her hands wiped away tears that pooled in her eyes as Ichigos vision narrowed in a glared and leaned forward, they could feel her Puttin more strain on her wrists, making them bleed more.

"Where are Yuhi and Cas? Were they with you on this?!"

"No, they're dead, they didn't give me the information I wanted, so I killed them." she said as she looked at her nails. She said it so easily, like their time together was nothing. Anger and hate consumed all other feeling that Ichigo had, it drowned out her kindness and love and consumed her entire being, the group of Jounin were shocked that such a sweet woman could hold so much anger.

"How dare you!" They heard her growled at her and tried to lunge but She was still trapped in her chair. She laughed at Ichigo and just watched her struggle with a smile of her face.

"If you tell me where the scrolls are, I might be able to let you live."
"What are you talking about? What scrolls!?" A stinging sensation overcame was felt through the room as her vision suddenly moved to the left.

"The scrolls, the ones your family guards! The scrolls the Sage of Six Paths gave your ancestors to guard centuries ago! WHERE ARE THEY!?"
She shook her shoulders causing her to shake as she yelled at her.
"I don't know." another slap, She walked over to the small metal table and brought it over and placed it infront of Ichigo. The room paused.

"Naruto, are you sure you want to watch this, this is you adoptive mother and it might hurt you to much to see." said the third Hokage.
"No, I will watch, she is my mother and I need to understand what she went through in order to help her." Naruto put on a brave face although he felt afraid of what he might hear and see.
"Wise words, Naruto, very well, Resume please." am the memory started again.

"I thought you were smarter than this, Ichigo. Out of all three of the girls I liked you most. You weren't as stupid as the others. I watched over you for the black flames. They had me befriend you, try to gain your trust so you would tell me where they are, now where are they!!"
She spat some blood into her face.
"Go drown in a river."
"You should go about this the easy way." she said as she stabbed the scalpel through her left thy.
The room winced as she screamed in pain and as they felt it, thoughts ran through her head that they would hear over and over again as they watched more of her memory. this is for Naruto, this is for Kakashi, this is for my family, it's not pain, don't feel it. She thought to myself, willing herself to no longer make any noises.

The room went quiet as they watched with horror as her nightmares continue.

She was still trapped to the chair as she looked around, through her eyes they could see mice run through the cracks in the grey cement walls. The people in the room could feel how tired she was, but when ever she closed her eyes she was plagued by nightmares.

Her eyes snapped open as she heard the door open, it was Niat again, coming in for another toture session.

"Just tell me where they are, and all of this will end."
"Fuck you."
Another stabbing pain was felt, only through her left side, she quickly withdrew the blade only to plunge it back in, only in her shoulder.
"Just tell me where it is Ichigo! Then all of this will be over!"
They could feel determination well up inside the beaten Ichigo as she lifted her head up and looked at Niat. Niat looked like she could use some sleep, her green eyes were dark with fatigue and her black hair was in knots around her round face.
"This isn't over, not until I have your blood on my hands. For killing my family, for killing my friends, and for killing the village, all their deaths will be avenged, with the loss of your life. So do me a favor, and rot in hell, bitch." Ichigo spat blood onto her shoes as Niat sighed, "I didn't want to do this Ichigo, but you leave me no choice. You will be paid a visit tonight, by my boss who you know quite well, and well, let's just say that he is not a gentleman." Niat went to leave but turned around with a face like she remembered something important, "oh, yea, this is a welcome home present. I made it just for you," she quickly made hand signs before placing her finger tips on Ichigos bloody and sweaty forhead. "internal nightmare genjutsu. Sweet dreams, Ichi." She stabbed the rusted scalpel through my right knee cap before she left and Ichigo passed out.

It was dark in her dream, Ichigo sat in a crowd of people, they all seemed to know her and her them as she called them all by name.
"Dad? Mom? Yuhi? Cas?" Her vision stopped as her eyes met those of a boy that looked to be five years old, "Akisuta...(bright star)" She was still on her knees as she looked at them with happiness in her eyes that slowly died as they all started to bleed from wounds that they didn't have previously, showing her how they died.
"This is your fault, why didn't you protect us golden one? Why did you let us die!?" They all chanted at once as they saw Ichigo run to them and try to help but she ran through their ghost like bodies.
Ichigo collapsed, her already fragile mind was at its breaking point, it wasent until a call, or scream, really broke it.
"Mom! Mom help! Make it stop! Mom! Mom save me! Why aren't you coming!?"
"NARUTO!!!! Ichigo ran through the crowd of people trying to find him, her thoughts were so scrambled that no one who was watching could understand full sentences. all they could make out was Narutos name. But soon Narutos body joined those of the dead around her, "Why didn't you save me! I thought that you were different! You said that you would look after me! You said that you would protect me! You lied to me! You are worse than the rest of them! I thought that you cared, but you didn't come when I needed you most. You are pathetic and useless, you are nothing." It repeated over and over again as they got closer and closer to her, telling her the same thing over and over again, making her scream as they could no longer see her.

The cafeteria was silent as they paused the video, Naruto wanted nothing more than to run to her and hug her and tell her that he was sorry, even though he totured her in her dream, she still loves him and worried about him, everyone rubbed their eyes and paused for a breather before they continued.

It was the day before they saved her, she was still in her chair, they placed a mirror in her room so she could look at herself, her golden eyes were red and her lips were swollen and bleeding, her clothes were torn to shreds and she was an unhealthy pale color. The door opened and she turned to look at who was entering, for a brief second they could see the side of her head that was matted down with dried blood. Her eyes locked those with a middle aged man. His eyes were black as was his hair, we heard Ichigo gasp as she recognized him, once again a picture pops up on the top right.
Hiki Tsumi, side branch, uncle, thought deceased, always wanted power.

"Hello again, my sweet, miss me?" They heard his evil chuckle.
"How-how are you alive? Father said that you died on a mission! How are you here?"
"Ah, you still have a lot to learn. But first, where are the scrolls, Ichigo? It is our duty, as the last of the Tsumi clan to protect them, they are in danger."
"Why do you think that Konoha accepted you so easily? They want the scrolls to themselves, they want the power that they hold. They are trying to befriend you, make you love them and form bonds so that you feel obligated to tell them. " he reached out and wiped away a tear that escaped my eyes.
"U-u-uncle, I don't know what to do! What do I do!?"
"As the last of the main branch, only you can read them, only you can open where they are hidden, just tell me where, my niece."
"I don't know where they are! Father perished in the fire before he could tell me!" I cried out, make it believable, don't let them in, make them believe, act like you believe everything that he is saying, that's the key Ichigo.
"I am so sorry Uncle, I am a disgrace to the clan!" I wailed, "I have failed you!!" Tears ran down my face,
"Shhh, it's alright little one, it's alright."
"Don't worry, it will be over soon." he said as his hand reached inside of her shirt.
"U-u-uncle, what are you doing? Get your hand out of my shirt." She yelled as Ichigo tried to shuffle her chair out of his reach but he simply followed.
"Do you really think that I would believe those fake tears, do you really think that I would believe that you don't know, Ichigo? I am not stupid, now tell me, WHERE ARE THE SCROLLS IF YOU DONT TELL ME ILL KILL THAT BOY YOU LOVE SO MUCH!!"
"FU*K YOU!!!" Ichigo spat a mouthful of spit and blood on to the man she once called an uncles face.
"You are going to regret that, you little wench!" He slapped her hard across the face.

Then he raped her.

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