Narutos first mission

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It has been a few days since Naruto officially became my adopted son and moved in with me. I had always wanted a child and Naruto was a taller, older version of that.

I was cleaning up Narutos room, battling against the monster of things that hid under Narutos bed while I was gathering his laundry to wash when he suddenly burst through the door making me scream and throw the nearest object at him. Since I was walking through the kitchen at the time, it was a frying pan that he got hit in the head with.

"Oh my Kami! I am so sorry Naruto! Are you ok!? Let me get a look at that! There is that better!? Where are you going in such a hurry!" I asked and talked really fast as I fixed his head.

"We got our first c-ranked mission!"
"That's wonderful Naruto! Where will you be going and doing!?"
"We are protecting a bridge builder names Tazuna and we are going to the land of waves! Can you pack me some food!? Your cooking is the best!"

"Of course Naruto!" I took off for the kitchen while Naruto packed just things as I followed him to the gate to wait with him for his team. I was checking Narutos pack and was placing his lunch in there when the rest arrived.

"Ah, Kiada, I see you are here to see us off." Kakashi said as he stood beside me, "of course I am, now Kakashi, if I find out that Naruto has been hurt, there will be hell to pay as I will march out there and pummel you to the ground as well as who ever hurt him!" I waved my finger at Kakashi threateningly as he gulped in fear.

"Who is this Lady? Is this woman coning to? I hope not." I turned to the man who must be Tazuna.

"Hello, Tazuna-san, if I find out that my son was hurt because you left out any important information, I will make it my life goal to haunt your nightmares. Good luck on the bridge!" I said it so sweetly that he sweat dropped but didn't miss the subtle hint that I dropped as I gathered all three of his students into a bone crushing hug, kissing Naruto and Sasuke on the forehead and giving Sakura an extra hug.

"Alright, be careful now."

Naruto quickly hugged me as the others got a small head start. "Bye mom, see you when we get home." my heart fluttered as I heard him say that, that was the first time he called me mom.
I cried anime tears as he ran to catch up with them with his hands behind his head.

Be safe.

With the group-----

Naruto had a smile on his face, I have a mom, was all that was running through his mind as the others watched him in curiosity.

"So, Naruto, where did you meet Kiada-chan? You seem fond of her." Naruto nodded his head in agreement.

"We met the day of graduation, some kids were picking on me and she stood up for me and treated me to ramen, as much as I wanted!" Naruto rubbed his stomach at the memory, "Turns out she was my next door neighbor and when she found out that I have no parents she invited me for dinner and breakfast the next morning and made me a lunch to take. Then when I got into trouble that night she came and found me and Iruka-sensei and scolded the both of us. It was quite funny, but I am not sure, we just, had a connection and she is like a mom to me I think. I've never had a mom before so this is new to me.
Then she adopted me and well, you know the rest. Kiada-chan is very protective and kind and motherly and a really good cook! Believe it!!" Naruto smiled as he took out the lunch that I made him.

"Do you know where she came from, Naruto? She is not from Konoha." asked Sakura. Naruto nodded his head and swallowed the food that was in his mouth.

"She came from a village near here, the Cloud village I think it was. She didn't have enough chakra to become a full fledged ninja so she learned what she could in medical to help people with light injuries and she owns the weapons shop now."

Naruto shove his mouth with food as they continued talking and Naruto feel happy that they seemed interested in the person who took him in an proved to him that not all people were bad. But he had no idea of the surprise that he would get when he came home.

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