The battle begins

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I was tied and restrained to my bed for most of the day after my episode at the arena, damn them!

I sighed as I fought with the restraints.
"Will you stop doing that, please?"
"Kakashi? Shouldn't you be training with Sasuke for the exams?" I turned my head to the left to see the silver haired Jounin there.
"He is fighting right now and I came to see you, Narutos mad at you."
"He will get over it when I feed him ramen." I tired to make the wave motion with my hands only to remember that they were bound.
"Stupid nurses!" I muttered under my breath. I heard Kakashi chuckle and my face flushed for two different reasons.

"Anyways.... How's it going?" I asked randomly, anything to stop the quiet atmosphere. "Its going good, how about you?" I smiled at him, "Oh I love being strapped to a hospital bed by two crazy nurses who turn out to be my best friends,not allowed to open the window to breath the fresh air!" I said scarasticlly and he went to the window and opened it for me.
We lapsed into a comfterable silence for a while before he broke it.

"Ya know, when you are released from the hospital we should go out for dinner again, it was fun last time." he randomly said. My heart started to race and I was glad that they took the heart monitor off of me this morning. I hid my blush with a smile,
"I don't know.... Last time I went out with you I spilled my life story and got kidnapped, I'm not sure what other secrets you may get out of me." I teased and I saw a slight blush as he rubbed his hand behind his back and gave a nervous laugh with his usual "Sorry, sorry."
My smiled went into a grin, "But I guess we won't know until we go. They say that I can get out tomorrow afternoon if I behave, so where should we go?"
"There is a nice resturant in a town over, its a short walk, it would be different from what Konoha has. That ok? Are you up for a bit of a walk?"
"Sure! It would be nice to stretch my legs a little from being in bed all day. I hope my shop is doin ok.... I'm going to have to pull a few all-nighters to get caught up..." I sighed at all the work that was to come and caught myself saying, "What a drag."
"Ok, put the Shikamaru away, and you won't have to, all the teams pitched in on their free time to keep you all caught up."
I gaped at him, and tears started to pool in my golden eyes,
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I don't know how to repay you all! Oh! I know! After our dinner I'll make a huge feast for everyone to eat! All the teams can come and they can bring whoever they want! That would work, right?" I calmed down and looked at him with wide eyes, he nodded his head.
We sat there and talked about nothing in particular before he had to go back to the arena.

Looking at the clouds I just watched them pass by, not a care in the world. I wonder if it's a date? I sighed and laid down, wanton to put my hands behind my head but couldn't. It must be a date, it's the second time he asked me out for dinner, so it must be, right? This is so complicated! Men are soooo confusing!

A sudden shock wave burst me out of my thoughts, without using hand signs I made two clones, one untie me while I spoke to them. "I am going to check the Hokage, you, clone number one, you look after Kakashi and help him if need be, and you, number two, keep an eye on Naruto, do not engage unless he needs it!"
They nodded and disappeared as I transported and ran to the old trunk at the foot of my bed, I didn't think that I would have to wear this so soon, but it's time to show what I can do!

I flipped the lid open, and grabbed my gear. The time for battle has started I thought as I put It on and activated me Kekki Genki.

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