Adoption and Narutos team

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I slept in the next day and opened the door to the spare room to see the bed was a mess with blankets everywhere.

I dragged Naruto into my apartment last night saying how he was going to sleep here so I could keep an eye on him. I checked the fridge to see that Naruto forgot to take his lunch, sighing I put it in a bag to take to him later, I ended up making him that home made ramen anyway. I couldn't resist those blue eyes.

I packed anything else I might need for the day and headed for the Hokage tower seeing he requested to see me.

I walked past the shop to check in on my only other employee and waved as I saw everything was ok. Walking up the steps I made it to the wooden door and knocked.
I walked in to see a few Jounin in the room with him, "Is this a bad time? I can come back later Hokage-sama?" I asked as they all turned to look at me.

"Ah, it is the youthful Kiada-chan! How is the shop doing? Is my order almost ready!?"

"Yes Gai, I told you a few days ago that it was ready and that you needed to pick it up, how very un youthful of you to delay picking it up, I had higher hopes." I said as I placed my hands on my hips in a scolding matter. He stopped coming towards me as he registered what I said before anime crying and running out the door saying how he will pick it up and make himself do laps on his hands around Konoha.

I reached my hand out to stop him, not wanting him to hurt himself, but he was already gone. The third chuckled as I got a depressed aura around me.

"Now is a perfect time, Kiada-chan, you can meet the rest of the Jounin here. This is Kureni-sensei" He waved his hand in the direction of a woman with beautiful red eyes an black hair. "This is Asuma-Sensei" he directed his attention to a dark haired man who had an unlit smoke in his mouth. I saw that he had chakra knives, holding out my hand, "May I?" He nodded and handed them to me, inspecting them I tsked at him.

"They are dull and need repairs, you should take better care of things like this, it may save your life." I said as I passed them back. "Ill drop them off later then." "I will be expecting you then."

The third chuckled his old man chuckle and gestured to Iruka. "You met Iruka last night."

"How's your back?"
"Fine now, thank you, but could you take a look at my ears? With all te yelling you did at Naruto I think you damaged them." I blushed and rubbed the back of my head with a small grin. A habit I picked up from Naruto and gestures for him to come over where I placed my hands on his ears and focused chakra into my hands.

"There, that should do it!"
He nodded his head in thanks, "This is Kakashi-Sensei." he waved to a man who had silver hair the defied gravity and he was reading the pervy book that Jiraya writes. He lowered the book so show me only one black eye and he gave me a small wave and a "Yo."

"You should read the next one, far more interesting than that one, here, you can borrow it." I reached into my bag and pulled out the newest copy of his series.

His eyes grew wide as I tossed it to him and he caught it, opening it like it was something holy and immediately began to read while the others sweat dropped.

"The writer and I are close friends, and he owes me so he thinks if he sends me copies of his book it will make our... dispute... better." they all nodded as I turned to the Hokage.

"What did you want to see me for, Hokage-sama?"
"I had a curious thought this morning when I woke up from bed. From the yelling you did last night I am guessing that you and Naruto are close?"
"Yes sir, I like to think that we are."
"How would you feel about adopting him? He would still have his own last name, but he would be in your care." Mine and everyone else's eyes widened in shock.

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