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"What did the wink mean." Kakashi asked the morning after,
"My son isn't dead, like I thought my friends were. As friends and future heir of the heiress of the Tsumi clan there were... complications that you would have to live with, being forced to be bait, being kidnapped and totured, and many other things that could lead to death or public humiliation, so we had to take precautions to help prevent that from happening.
"There are four scrolls that my ancestors have created for this purpose, to ensure the lives of their friends. I have one each to my friends and my son. These scrolls are activated as soon as you place your chakra in them, the way that they work is simple." I paused to reach over to grab my cup of water that was on my nightstand and took a sip.

"After the ritual where you place your chakra in them and claim and tame the scroll, if you don't tame it it will kill you, you hide it somewhere safe. When you 'die' per say, your soul and body simply travel to where the scroll is hidden without damage. these scrolls can only be used once every generation."

Kakashi was in thought, "How did his body not disappear?"
"Good question, it leave an empty body, a empty vessel you can say, as a replacement for the one that is leaving. Who the real body belongs to us unknown as they could be anyone who died trying to tame the scroll with a permeant jutsu to make them look alike is all."
"So where is your son now?"
I played with Kakashis fingers, he eventually connected them with my own.
"I don't know, he refuses to tell me, all he has told me is that he is training to become stronger while he spies on an organization and Orichimaru. I just hope that he is safe, he promises to see me in the next few years." I sighed, "Did you know that Naruto is going to train with Jiraya? He will be away for two and a half years, I believe that Akisuta will join them and come back with them." Kakashi nodded as he squeezed my hands tighter,
"Naruto left with Jiraya this morning to look for a new Hokage as the Third is looking to retire."
"Hmm what did he want to see me about?" I softly asked as I watched and marveled at how well our hands fit together as well as our bodies while we laid on the hospital bed facing eachother. He brought the back of my hand to his un-masked lips and gently kissed them.

"Something about a medal and becoming a sensei with me, along those lines." he mumbled as he pulled his face closer and stole a kiss, I sighed happily when we parted as I looked into his black eye.

"We need to go on that date, I hate hospitals now. Will you sign me out?" I asked while tracing my lips softly on his teasingly before pulling away again as he leaned forward to connect them more.

"Later." he growled out as his lips crashed against mine, hard. I giggled as his one hand that wasn't holding mine tickled my side. I kissed him back as he deepened the kids by kicking my lower lip, asking for entrance. Just to get a reaction out of I denied him access to my mouth, he growled again and I let out a light giggle as his lips vibrated against mine. His free hand worked on tickling my waist again as our clasped ones were above my head, his knees on either side of me trapping me in so I couldn't escape even if I wanted to.

I sighed in bliss as our lips parted only to reconnect with more passion as he let go of my hand an had them slowly going up my shirt, I giggled again as he lightly tickled my stomach, only to freeze as memories came back from my time in the cell.

I pulled away immediately, "I can't, I'm sorry I-i just can't right now! Y-you shouldn't be near me." my hands were shaking as I felt my uncles hands on my body, I knew that they weren't really there, but I could feel his ghost hands, Kakashi deserved someone who was not dirty, heck I have a kid the same age as Naruto!!

"What? What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry Kakashi, I just- I just can't! You deserve someone better than what I can give you, I can't. I'm to dirty! Hell I have a kid! I just can't do that to you!"

He gripped my shaky hands in his strong ones as he leaned over from his straight up position, his legs still straddling my hips.

"Now you listen to me, Ichigo. You we not dirty! You have a kid, so what? You love your son and that's all that matters. I don't deserve you, because you are too good for me. You are perfect and beautiful, it dose not matter to me I you have a son, I would like to meet the son of the woman I love and hopefully get along with him. So listen Ichigo." he took one hand and made me face him with tears running down my cheeks, he gently kisses them away before speaking again.

"You are not dirty, bad things have just happened to you. You are brave and smart and so loving that it seems impossible, I don't deserve you because you deserve better. You are to good for me Ichigo. I don't care that you have a kid, I love you and that is all that matters. We can wait and take it slow on the other parts, I know you are still shaken up." he gently leaned in and kissed my forehead, his lips moved against them as he continued to calm me down and reassure me, my hands stopped shaking and I didn't feel my uncles hands on me anymore. Instead now I clung to his black shirt, as his best was torn away in our make out session earlier.

I felt like I needed him now, in order to fight this dark feeling inside me I needed him to hold me and reassure me. I laid still as he kept talking.

"I love you, don't worry, I understand. I am here, just don't leave me, I am here. it's ok." he repeated over and over to get it through my calming mind until I fell asleep in his arms, calm and reassured that I would be ok, like nothing bad could ever touch me while I was here, and I smiled at that.

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