Anything Could Happen

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This is my own story and I made it up myself. Anyone else who copies it I will report and it will be deleted. Anyways, enjoy!!! If i get enough reads on here, I'll make a legit, longer story with the same story line and everything. I'd just hate to do all this work for nothing. I swear it gets a lot more interesting but since this is the beginning, i have to explain everything. If you're reading, thank you so much!

"No, but you never know. Anything could happen," I replied. I was just responding to a girl in my class that said that my friends and I had little to no chance at meetin out favourite British-Irish boy group, One Direction.

"Yeah Demi, random people get chosen in these contests to meet them and they're just normal people like we are," one of my best friends, Cassie chipped in.

"You just have to believe that anything could happen. And we do believe that we'll meet One Direction one day," my other best friend, Rachel said.

We hate sounding like those kinds if fans that are obsessive and have this huge dream and people tell us it will never come true and crap like that. We just wanted to meet our idols(like anyone else.)

First, let me tell you how we became best mates. When i was in grade school, i got bullied a lot. It really messed me up and set my confidence back quite a bit. Then I transferred to another school and very slowly started to regain my confidence.

I've known Cassie for almost ten years. We met in the third grade and we definitely weren't as close as we are now. Cassie is a loveable, funny, amazing friend. Words can't describe how loyal she is.

Then, in the fifth grade, Rachel came. Rach is a spazzy, random, funny, loyal and loveable friend. She's always there when you need her and is a bit more sensible while Cassie's better for a good laugh. She already knew Cassie when she came and was massively afraid no one would like her. (Definitely not the case, everybody loves Rachel!)

We all slowly started to become closer and closer and then, in the beginning of the eighth grade, our last year together in middle school, we found something that bonded us better than any glue ever could.

Cassie was the first one to become a Directioner. Rachel was next and I was last. Honestly, at first, i didn't get what all of the hoopla was about. Then, one day, Cassie called me up an told me to look up this video. After a little bit of persuading me, I looked it up. I was tired of them telling me I'd give in and to look up these videos and junk. So, I looked up the video to get it over with. I watched their first tour video diary and i was hooked. Ever since then i've supported the boys.

We bonded over out love for the five lads. It brought us closer together and I've never regretted looking up that video. I've gained two amazing friends in the process. So, anyway, now that you kinda know out history, back to the story.

"Yeah,but, what are the chances that one of you guys will get chosen," another person in my class asked.

"Well, I like to think that we have as good a chance as anyone out there", I say.

There were a whole bunch of contests out there and I'd signed up for nearly every one. I hadn't won any of them though which was slightly disappointing. But, i didn't let that get me down. Believe me, i very much wanted to win one. I'm not going to lie, I did feel pangs of jealousy because of the people who did win. But, I knew one thing that others didn't care to think about.

One Direction was coming to Florida and i knew radio stations would be giving away free tickets to see them in concert. I really wanted to win not just for me, but for my friends as well. They've been amazing and deserve so much more than they're given.

I'm listening to 95.5 and it's time to call. My palms are sweating, my hearts beating a mile a minute, and I'm biting my lip so hard it's bleeding. My call goes through and all I hear is, " Congratulations! You're our lucky number seventeen caller. You've just won one ticket to see them in Orlando." Oh no. One ticket. That's not going to work.

"I'm sorry Jason but, i can't accept that ticket. There's no way I'm going to a concert and my two best friends can't go with me. You can give the tickets to someone else," I say.

"Are you sure? I mean, this is like a once in a lifetime chance," Jason says.

"I'm sure. Sorry, but thanks anyway," I hang up the phone. What the heck did I just do?



Okay so...thats the end of chapter one. It gets a lot more interesting i promise!!! Im nervous guys.... I've never uploaded anything on here. Well, if you're reading, thank you!! Love you!! This is to Cassie and Rachel whithout whom, i wouldn't have best friends for life. Xx Loads of Love- Keke

P.s anyone se obsessed with the Kiss You video??!!?!? Aaahhh!!!

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