Chapter 28

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The guys gave us the key to their flat just in case we ever need anything or just want to hang out there, but it just doesn't feel the same without them here. 

As soon as we enter the flat, we break down crying in each other's arms until our bodies are drained of water. 

The whole day is just extremely dreary. We have to go to back to college tomorrow, so we go to bed a bit early. We all sleep in one room, squishing onto the one bed. 

"Nighty night and don't let the bedbugs bite guys," Cassie says, trying to lighten the mood. Rachel and I laugh a little.

"Night Cass," we say. 

*Two Months Later*

The past two months have been filled with Skype sessions and studying and missing the boys loads. School has been extremely hard to concentrate on ever since the boys left. It's all been so hectic and we've really been trying to call and text the boys as much as we can. 

That's when we all get an idea. We want to surprise the boys at one of their concerts. We call our good old friend Paul and Lou and get help from them. 

The plan is, Cass, Rach and I are going to go onstage once they start to sing 'They Don't Know About Us'. The boys are going to be doing a concert in Florida in a couple of days, so this was a perfect opportunity to surprise them. 

The girls and I have been longing to see them, and they've been wanting to see us too. We all miss each other so much, it'll be like a reunion! 

The boys have no idea what's in store for them. 

*Harry's POV*

"Hey Keek, how're you guys," I say. The boys and I are in our hotel room, so I took a minute to Skype with Keke. 

"We're doing good. How's the tour going," she asks. 

"It's going just fine. We're missing you guys loads though," I say. She smiles. Gosh I love her smile. I love her. 

The way she smiles and laughs, her brown hair that she thinks is absolutely boring, but I love it. Her brown hair and naturally tanned skin, everything about her. 

Right now, she looks absolutely adorable dressed in her puppy dog PJs and her hair in two pigtails. 

"We miss you guys too. When do you think you'll be coming back here to England," she asks. 

I sigh because honestly, I don't know. 

*Cassie's POV*

"Hurry up guys! We're going to be late," Rachel yells at Keke and I. Despite her constant badgering of Keke and I getting our clothes together the night before for the long days ahead of us, we procrastinated. Rachel's bags have been ready and packed for days. She's always been the responsible one out of us three. 

We had to do some serious clothes shopping because it's hot in Florida right now, definitely different from the usually cold or rainy weather here in England. 

After a little bit, Keke and I are finally ready and we lug all of our bags downstairs and into a cab, heading off to the airport. 

In just a few hours, we'll be seeing the boys again. 

And the best part is, they have absolutely no idea. 

*Rachel's POV*

We finally get to the airport after what seems like forever. We get onto the plane and sit down in our seats, happy to finally get a little bit of a break. 

We're going to be staying in a hotel until it's time for the concert. This is going to be absolutely amazing. I can't wait to see the boys again! 

"Finally! We've made it," Cassie says with a huff. 

"I know. How long'd you say this flight is," Keke asks. 

"A couple of hours. We'll be getting in late though," I answer. 

"Great. Time for me to catch some sleep," Keek says. I just shake my head playfully at her. 

Keek's soon asleep, Cass is listening to music and reading a fan fiction on her laptop, and I decide to do a little bit of the homework I asked for before we left. 

Cassie sees me and shakes her head at me disapprovingly. 

"What? I didn't want too much work to make up when we get back," I say innocently.

She shakes her head again and mouths, "Over achiever."

"Oh shut up Cass," I tell her jokingly and then get back to my work. She just laughs and then continues reading. 

Keek looks absolutely exhausted. I must say, I feel bad for my poor friend. 

Not having Harry here has been kind of hard for her, for all of us but especially her, but she's dealing with it well. We all understand that the guys have a job. That job just happens to be touring all over the world and doing shows almost every day and we don't know when they'll be back. Still, this is what they do and we understand that. 

Not gonna lie, it's hard sometimes and you definitely miss them, but you can't think about that. Because if you do, you'll be stuck in a pit of sadness and depression. 

Luckily, I have Cass and Keek and we're always making each other laugh and having a good time. We even go to visit their families and we've all become quite close. Harry's mom is always inviting us over and we have cookouts and things like that over at her house. 

Louis' mom is always inviting us for shopping days and is always good for a laugh. She's just like a kid herself. 

Liam's mom is so sweet. You can always go to her for advice and to talk to. Just like Liam. 

Zayn's family is absolutley wonderful. We're always hanging out with his sisters and his mom and dad are really nice. They keep us laughing. 

We even went over to Ireland to visit Niall's family. They're loads of fun. Niall's mom is such a sweetheart. His step dad is hilarious and is always cracking jokes. 

All in all, we've definitely expanded our family. We all get on with the boys' families just fine and they love us. They're always wondering when we're going to come back over, even if it's just for a quick visit. 

*Keke's POV A Few Hours Later*

"Land! Sweet, sweet land!" I say. The girls just laugh. I slept for most of the flight like a baby, but when I woke up, I couldn't wait to get off that flight.

"Definitely going to have to get used to the time difference again," Rachel says. 

"Ugh! Let's not think about that now. C'mon, let's get to the hotel," Cassie says. 

We get our bags, get a rental car, and get to the hotel with no problems. We head up to our hotel room and feel a strange sense of Deja Vu. 

Just a year ago, or a little over a year, we were in a hotel, about to have the time of our lives at a One Direction concert. Little did we know that we'd be having more fun just hanging with the boys than just going to a One Direction concert. 

Cass, Rach, and I are not tired at all, so we decide to go out to the pool even though it's night time. Thankfully, the pool is open late. 

We change into our swimsuits and head down to the pool. 

We have loads of fun and splash around, playing freely as no one else is here. 

We stay there for a bit and then have to head back upstairs because the pool will be closing down soon. We trudge back upstairs to our cold hotel room, take showers, and then change. 

I change into a pair of yoga pants, a fitted t-shirt, a pair of Nike sneakers, put my hair up in a pony tail, and grab my water bottle. 

"I'm going to go work out a little bit upstairs. You guys want to come," I ask. The girls agree and quickly change. 

We're trying our best to stay...undercover. If that's the right word. If paparazzi were to find out that we're here in Florida, it'd totally ruin the surprise that we worked so hard to keep secret for the boys. 

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