Chapter 27

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When we wake up, it seems as if we slept for just a few minutes. I'm absolutely exhausted and I can tell Harry is as well. 

We sit there for a moment, trying to clear our thoughts and mentally prepare ourselves for what's going to happen today. 

Harry gives me a gentle kiss on the temple and says, "We'd better start getting ready." I nod my head in agreement. 

We start mechanically getting ready. We take showers, I do my hair and then help Harry get his in a beanie. I get dressed in a pair of high-waisted shorts and a crop top with a simple pair of Converse. 

Soon, everyone is ready to go and we head downstairs. There's no talking, no joking around. Nothing. We've all come to realise that they're leaving us in just a few hours, that they'll be gone in just a few hours. 

Harry and I sit with his arms around me. Even though I'm dead tired, I don't dare to go to sleep. These last few minutes are too precious to waste sleeping. 

The car ride seems to take an even shorter time than I thought it would. Everything seems as if this is a movie and someone is fast forwarding it. 

"Alright guys, we're here," Liam says. We all get out of the car and Cass, Rach, and I help the guys with some of their stuff and then we head inside from the main entrance. 

We're sitting, waiting for them to call their plane. We're making sure everyone is updated on phone numbers, Twitters, and Skypes so we can all communicate while they're back on tour. 

"Make sure you call us. No matter what time of day or night it is. We'll be sure to pick up," Harry says. 

"We will. And make sure you guys keep your phones charged AND on when we do call," Cass says and we laugh. The guys are all really bad about keeping their phones on and or charged at all times. 

"Flight 304 to Australia is now boarding," we hear over the speakers. I feel like Katniss when she's about to go into the Games and she starts freaking out, but just like her, I know I have to stay strong. 

I go around and give everyone hugs and then lastly, I hug Harry. 

I look into his sad eyes as mine begin to water. 

He gives me another hug and I wrap my arms around him. 

"I love you," he whispers. I squeeze my eyes shut. These tears will not spill over until they're gone. 

"I love you too," I whisper back. 

He leans down and I go u p on my tippy toes to kiss him. This is it. Our last kiss until I see him again. And I don't know when that'll be. 

I go around one more time and give the rest of the guys hugs and sad smiles. 

"We'll miss you guys," Rachel says. 

"We're gonna miss you guys too. Don't forget about us," Lou says and then winks. 

Cass, Rach and I laugh. 

"How could we?"

The announcer calls their flight one more time. 

"Well, we'll see you guys later," Liam says. 

"Bye guys," Cass says, her voice a mere whisper. I can see the pain and sadness on Lou's face at the sight of her crying. 

Let me inform you of something. Cass never cries. I seriously mean it. She NEVER cries. It takes quite a bit to make her cry. In fact, I've known her for a while and I've only seen her cry  few times. 

"We love you guys," Niall says. 

I laugh and then sniffle. "We love you guys too. Now go on. You don't want to miss your flight," I say, teasing. 

The guys give us one more smile and Harry gives me one more hug and then they're gone. Just like that. They've left us with nothing more but a few hugs, smiles, and kisses. But most importantly, they've left us with memories that I'll be sure to never forget. 

I wrap my arms around Cass in Rach in a group hug and we wave to the guys as they board their plane. 

You see, I think Cass, Rach and I have learned something and we've become even closer, if that were possible. 

Getting to know these guys opened our eyes. It taught us that, through hardships, you still have to stick together. No matter what, don't give up. Trust me, the girls and I have gotten into it a few times, but we never let that keep us from being friends. 

And even though the guys are leaving us and we don't know when they're coming back, we can still hold on to the fact that they love us and we love them and there's nothing that can ever change that. We're always going to be there for each other and love each other. 

We never would've thought that us, three normal teenage girls from Florida, nothing special about us at all, and One Direction chose us, of all people to hang out with. And now, we're closer than close friends with them. If you would've told us that a couple years ago, we would've thought you were crazy. 

I've always thought of it that way. If you knew what the future held, would you try to change it? Would you prepare yourself for what's coming? 

We don't know what's in store for the three of us, but no matter what, we're going to stick together. Because like we said. 

Anything could happen. 


So, do you guys want me to end it here? Or do you want for me to keep going for a little while longer and add to it? Tell me what you think but if I don't get any replies, then I'll just end it here. SOo this may or may not be the end of the story, depending on what you guys want. Tanks, xx-Keke

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