Chapter 19

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“Aw, they’re so cute.”

“Sh! You’re gonna wake them up.” I hear a camera snap a picture.

“That’s going on Twitter.”

“I’ll leave them a note telling them where we’re going so they won’t be worrying about us.” Soon after, I hear the door close and there are no more voices. 

Harry must be awake now because he kisses my temple, gently brushes my hair and softly sings Little Things in my ear. We sit there for a minute and then I hear him say, “Morning.”

“Morning,” I reply. We both sit up.

“You want breakfast,” he asks.

“Yeah. Can you fix omelets?”

“Comin’ right up,” he answers. We quickly eat breakfast and then it’s time for me to start doing my work. Harry stays with me and gently brushes my hair back from my face and wraps his arms around me from behind.

“You know, it’s harder to concentrate when you’re doing that,” I teasehim. His nose brushes underneath my jaw line and he kisses my neck.

“Sorry,” he says. There’s not one apologetic tone in his voice. 

I work for about one more hour and then give up. He’s obviously vying for my attention. I turn to him. His face just inches from mine.

“Okay. You’ve got my attention now. What is it you want so badly,” I ask him.

“Nothing but this,” he says and then kisses me. He presses me up against the sofa, careful not to hurt my leg.

“Gosh guys! Couldn’t you find somewhere else to do that,” Louis asks as he comes through the door. Liam, Zayn, and Niall follow him in. 

Harry just laughs and presses his lips to mine once more. 

“So, Harry’s obviously been taking….very good care of you. How’s your ankle feelin,” Niall asks.

“It’s better. I took some pills to numb the pain a little, but it still hurts,” I answer. 

 “Well please, don’t let us spoil you guys’ fun. We’ll be in the pool if you need us but something tells me you won’t,” Louis says. They all exit the room.

“I’ve got to finish my homework so I can hand it in as soon as I can,” I tell Harry.

“Okay. I’ll sit here quietly. I promise,” he says.

“And you won’t try to distract me?”

“I promise I won’t try to distract you.” I smile at him and then go back to doing my work. When I get it all done, I turn to Harry.

“See, that wasn’t so bad now was it,” I ask him.

“No. You get this face when you’re concentrating. It’s cute. You scrunch up your eyebrows and your nose and you bite on your pencil,” he says. I just smile at him. 

We turn on the T.V and watch a movie, but we both fall asleep during it. When I wake up, Harry’s still asleep. But something’s wrong. He’s too warm, like he’s running a fever, but he’s shivering violently. 

I’m careful not to wake him up and I take his temperature. 101.6. That’s high. 

I hobble outside on my crutches where the rest of the boys are. 

“Guys. Guys! Could you come inside for just a sec? I need you to take Harry upstairs to his room. He’s sick,” I call to them. They all come inside and haul Harry upstairs. 

“Do you think he’ll be alright,” Liam asks me.

“Yeah. He should be okay after a couple of days,” I say.

“Do you want us to go out and pick up some medicine for him?”

“Yeah. Thanks guys,” I say. They all leave and I’ve never felt more alone in my life. I know I’m not completely alone, Harry’s upstairs, but he’s out of it. I decide to call Rachel since she should be getting out of her last class for the day.

“Hey Rach it’s Keek.”

“Hey what’s up?”

“Would you mind coming over for a little? Haz is sick and the rest of the boys went out to get some medicine.”

“Actually I’m already on my way. I was coming to check up on you,” she answers.

“Okay. I’ll see you in a bit.” We hang up and I anxiously wait for Rachel to arrive. When she does, we chat for a while and then it starts getting dark, so she has to leave. 

“I’ll come back over tomorrow,” she says. 

“Okay.”  The boys are back and Harry’s still upstairs so I decide to check on him. He’s awake now but he still doesn’t look too good. 

I sit down next to him. 

“How ya doing Haz?”

“I don’t feel too good. Will you stay with me?”

“Always.” I climb into bed beside him and we fall asleep. 

The boys are all very generous and fix us breakfast in bed which, after Harry starts feeling a bit better, we used the code B.I.B (Breakfast In Bed). 

My ankle is still sprained, so as soon as Harry’s feeling better, he starts doctoring me again. He almost never leaves my side. 


Aww Karry is so cute. Poor Haz though. Hope he feels better soon. Thank you guys for reading! Love you Loads-Keke

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