Chapter 18

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“Ah, this is nice. It’s quite breezy tonight actually,” Harry says. We all just enjoy our midnight stroll. That’s when everything starts to go wrong. 

“Harry, can you give her a kiss? Just one for the cameras!” There’s paparazzi everywhere. They surround all of us, but the majority of them surround Harry and I, trying to get shots of us together. We try to push through the crowd. We start running but I trip and fall. One of the paparazzi step on my leg and I hold back screaming in pain. Harry comes to my rescue and picks me up in his arms. We get a cab and get in as quickly as we can with my leg. I can tell it’s probably sprained.

Tears stream relentlessly down my face because of the pain. I’ve never broken or sprained anything before.

“Take us to the nearest hospital. Quick,” Harry says. He turns to me. “Shh, shh. You’re gonna be okay,” he says. His face is filled with concern and sadness. He wraps his arms around me, careful not to move me too much. 

We get to the hospital and Harry carries me inside. My leg hurts so We get to the hospital and Harry carries me inside. My leg hurts so badly and it takes all of my strength not to scream. I can tell Harry’s trying his best not to hurt me too much. The pain is so blinding that the last thing I remember is Harry yelling out my name in panic. ..................................................................................................................................................................

When I wake up, Harry’s sitting in a chair right next to my hospital bed. His head rests on the bed. I gently push back strands of his curly hair. He wakes up. 

“It’s good to see your eyes open again. Keke, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault,” he says.

“No it’s not. Now what’s wrong with me? Do I have a broken leg, is it sprained,” I ask.

“You sprained your ankle. Thankfully, it’s not too bad. You should be all better in a week or two,” he says.

“I’m sorry.” He looks up at me.

“What are you sorry for,” he asks me. 

“I’m sorry that I’ll have to waste weeks of us being together in a cast,” I say.

“You have nothing to be sorry for. The doctor said as soon as we’re ready to go, we can go. Are you ready,” he asks me. 

“Yeah. I’ll probably need some help walking though,” I say.

“That’s what I’m here for.” 

When we check out, there are paparazzi outside, but they keep a safe distance now that my ankle’s sprained. But still, I can see a look of frustration on Harry’s face. He focuses on nothing but trying to get me to the car. Harry settles me in and then gets into the car himself. 

On our way back, Harry grips the steering wheel too hard.

“Harry, look at me,” I say. He doesn’t so I place both of my hands on either sides of his face. Forcing him to look at me. We’re in front of his flat and I’m not even aware of the paparazzi that followed us all the way here. 

He looks at me with sad eyes.

“Harry, I’m okay. Okay? This isn’t either of our faults. A sprained ankle isn’t going to keep me from seeing you. I love you,” I say. Those last three words. I wasn’t expecting for them to come out. I guess I’ve known it all along. We care about each other too much to be just friends.  “I love you too,” he says. He leans in and gives me a sweet kiss. Cameras flash. We let them. “Come on. We better get inside. It’s a bit chilly out today,” he says. Harry gets out and then comes over on my side and picks me up. He kissesme one more time for good measure. He carries me into the house. No one else is there.  “I guess it’s just you and me today Keek,” he says. He places me on the sofa and then goes into the kitchen. “You hungry,” he calls. “Yeah. Can you make some tacos? I’d make them but I’m not sure my ankle can handle it.” “No problem.” Soon, the room is filled with the delicious scent of tacos. He comes and sits with me until the food’s ready. “Anything specific you want to do today,” he asks me. “Well, I have classes tomorrow-”  “Already took care of it. I called and they told me they’d send your work over. You’re gonna be staying here with us until you can get back on your feet,” he says. Soon, the tacos are ready and I don’t realize how hungry I am until I eat four of them. I yawn after I’ve finished eating. “Go to sleep Keke Cat. I’ll be right here when you wake up,” he says. I can see the bags under his eyes and I know as soon as I go to sleep he’ll probably go to sleep too.  We both lay down on the sofa and he gets a blanket to cover us. My head rests on his arm and his arm wraps protectively over me. I sleep better than I have in the past couple of nights.    A/N   Awwwww. Keke and Harry are so cute! Loads of Love-Keke

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