Chapter 26

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"Alright, is everyone ready," Lou asks. 

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!" everyone yells.

"Alright then. Let's go!" 

We all get into the car. Harry's driving since he's the one who knows where we're going. 

"So what's the plan Harry," Niall asks. 

"Well, there's something like a little carnival going on down by the beach. So, I figured we could go to both and then anywhere else you want to go after that," he answers. 

Soon, we get to the beach and there aren't many people here so we go to an absolutely deserted spot on the beach, set everything up, and settle down. 

You know in those movies where the best friends go to the beach and they're joking around and running around and the heart felt music is playing and it's kind of going in slow motion? Yeah, that's exactly how it was for us. 

"Are you sure I won't drown," I say nervously. 

"I'm sure. I wouldn't let that happen to you," Liam says. I've always wanted to try to surf, but being as I can't swim, I've been too chicken to try. 

"Okay," I say and then Liam and I get on the surf board. I'm freaking out but it's too late to go back now. I'm actually starting to get a rush from the excitement of doing something slightly dangerous. 

The surfing goes quite well actually. I don't drown and I don't die. Which is a plus. 

"Oh come on Rach, just one hug," Lou says, his arms open wide. 

"Oh no Louis. I'm not giving you a hug with sand all over you," she says. Lou starts walking toward her and Rachel starts backing away. Soon, she's caught by Louis and he's smothering her in a hug. 

"Thanks Lou," she says sarcastically. 

"Anytime love," he says and then winks. 

We have a great time on the beach. We have fun and I don't think any of us think about this being our last hours together. 

After we wash off in the bathrooms and put on regular clothes, we head over to the little carnival thing. Harry says he rented it out just for us so we wouldn't be mobbed by fans or anything. 

Harry and I walk hand in hand over to the entrance and a lady who looks to be in probably her early sixties lets us in with a warm smile. 

It's like a wonderland. I swear like I've never seen anything like this before. I just want to run around everywhere like a little kid. 

"Where do we go first," Cassie asks. 

"We don't have to rush. We've got all night," Harry says. And it's true. Now, the sky is starting to turn dark which adds to the affect of magic in this place. 

We ride every ride, we play every game and try to win as many prizes as we can. Harry wins me this adorable cat that's the size of me. I mean literally this thing is massive. 

We have a great time. Harry's idea was a great one. We can just joke around and be ourselves. 

When we get to a rollercoaster, I don't even hesitate about getting on it even though it looks absolutely petrifying. 

I only have a few hours left with these guys and I'm going to enjoy every last millisecond of it. 

All of us get on it and I'm sat between Harry and Liam. Just like the last time. 

The ride was awesome and I think I just got over my fear of roller coasters. Harry, Liam and I could hear Lou and Cass' ridiculously funny screaming all the way from where we were which was the very back and they were in the very front. 

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