Chapter 10

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"You guys I'm stuffed. I guess we should start planning what we want to do for a little bit. We've got about four hours," Niall says.

"We could go to the beach," Rachel suggests. We all agree. I'm glad we decided to pack our swim suits. Rachel, Cassie and I go to change and when we get back, the boys have all changed and we're ready to go.

"Okay guys I have to warn you, I can't swim very well," I tell them.

"It's okay. I'm not very good either," Zayn says. That comforts me a little bit except, he's taller than me and is less likely to drown.

"Make sure you pack something other than PBJ sandwiches. I'm allergic," I say.

"No problem. I'll make some ham and turkey sandwiches as well," Harry replies.

After we get everything settled, we head off to the beach. We bring surf boards, boogey boards and skim boards. We get a huge picnic basket that's filled to the brim with food, drinks and a huge picnic blanket. It's good there's eight of us because it takes that many people to take all of our stuff to the beach. We have to carry all of the boards and umbrellas and everything. Luckily, there is a spot on the beach where it's not crowded at all. Might as well enjoy it while it lasts.

We set everything up and then strip down to our swimsuits, grab a board and then head for the water. I grab a boogey board and Harry tows me out to sea. I just float on the boogey board for a while when I see a really good looking wave coming. I can still touch the sand, so I stand up and get ready. I can see the others preparing as well. Louis and Liam are muchfarther out since they're surfing. Rachel and Zayn aren't too far to my left and right. We hop on our boards as we see the wave getting closer and closer. We start paddling and the wave carries us back to shore.

We all high five each other and come up with this really crazy victory dance. I go to sit on a beach towel underneath one of the umbrellas and Harry comes to join me.

"I miss being able to do this," he says a bit sadly.

"Doing what?"

"Being able to just hang out with your friends. Not worrying about a schedule or where you have to be at a specific time. Don't get me wrong, I love being in the music business and being able to travel everywhere with four of my best friends, but sometimes I wish I could just freeze moments like these and live in them as long as I want to," he says. I can't believe he's opening up to me like this. Even if we have become extremely close.

"Well, I know that living your life isn't perfect. Neither is mine. I'm really gonna miss you guys when you leave Florida," I say. My voice cracks on the last couple of words.

"We're gonna miss you too. It's been great being able to hang with you guys for the last couple of days," he says and then I snuggle up under his arm.

Harry and I play games on my phone while everyone's in the water. Suddenly he says, "C'mon, I want to show you something." I ponder this for a second, but agree. He goes to the water and picks up something and hides it behind his back. A mischievous grin takes over his face.

"Oh no Styles, there's no way I'm falling for that," I say. Slowly backing away. I start running and he runs after me, I don't get far before he picks me up and swings me around and then slings me over his shoulder like a rag doll.

"Harold Edward Styles! You put me down right now," I yell playfully at him while pounding his back.

"Whatever you say." He puts me down, but in the water!

"I swear Harry, I'm going to get you back for that," I yell at him.

"Oh, are you now?" Next thing I know, he flings a big handful of salty seaweed at me. It stuns me for a little bit and then I'm back in the game.

"Alright. But don't say I didn't warn you Styles," I say ruefully.

"Ok. Bring it on Keke Cat," he says equally as rueful. I don't know how long we throw seaweed at each other, push each other underneath the water and try to run away only to be caught again, but it was a lot of fun.

Soon, we're all hungry and we head to the big picnic blanket to eat. There's not a crumb of food left. We all just sit on the picnic blankets and take stupid pictures and videos of each other until it's time to go.

"Well guys, we better be off. We'll catch up with you lot later," Liam says. They've just dropped us off to our hotel.

"Okay. And thanks guys for another great time," Rachel thanks them.

"No problem," Niall replies and gives her a light kiss on her cheek. Rachel blushes scarlet red and then we head up to our room.

"We'd better start getting ready for the concert," Cassie says. We all take showers and wash our hair to rid our bodies of the salty,sea smell. I blow dry my hair and straighten it. I decide to wear a pair of red skinny jeans and a blue shirt with a pair of black flats. I put on just a touch of makeup and then we're all ready to go. This is a bitter-sweet moment because this is our last night with the boys, but it's also the night we've been dreaming of.


Oh no, it's the their last night with the lads. So sad. What's going to happen? Oh yeah, i know. But you don't teehee. Love you Loads-Keke

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