Chapter 20

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“So, it’s all healed,” Harry asks. 

“Yep. But if it starts to act up again, be sure to call,” the doctor says. It’s been two weeks since I sprained my ankle. 

“Thanks. We’ll do that,” I answer. The doctor exit’s the room and it’s just me and Harry again. He picks me up and spins me around. Something he hasn’t been able to do in a little over two weeks. 

“Come on. We better get out of here before we get in trouble,” I say while laughing. He takes my hand and we exit the hospital. Thankfully, there are no paparazzi. They’ve been hot on our trail everywhere we go. 

“I’m tired of staying in the house all day. Let’s buy some disguises, put them on and then go on that walk we never got to finish,” I say. 

We buy some clothes that we’d never really wear in a million years and with the help of the makeup, the clothes and the wigs. We’re unrecognizable. 

We walk for a little bit when it starts to rain. Harry picks me up since I’m still not able to walk too fast and he doesn’t want me to get a cold. We’re almost to the car when he suddenly stops and says, “Wait, there’s something I’ve always wanted to try.” He presses his lips to mine and kisses me for a moment. He smiles at me afterwards and then helps me into the car. 

We go back to their flat, (where no one else is to be found) and take warm showers so we don’t get sick. 

We’re sitting on the couch with his laptop and we type in his name on Google. Loads of stuff about us come up. We go on his twitter and read the comments that some people have said about them. The ones we’ve read are really nice and sweet until we get to one that really hits close to home. Then several more horrible comments come up. 

Tears start to roll down my face. I knew people said mean things but, to say them without a second thought and about someone you don’t even know is horrible. 

“I’m sorry you had to see that. Sh. Come here,” he says. He wraps his arms around me and I bury my face in his chest. “I’ll make sure no one says any more mean things about you. I promise,” he says. His eyes turn hard and cold. I don’t like the look in them. 

“No. I’m okay. It’s just, I’ve never had so man bad things be said about me on the internet,” I say.

“Well, it’s not going to happen anymore,” he says. 

Since my ankle’s okay now, I’m moving back into my dorm with the girls. Harry drops me off. 

“Thanks for everything Haz. I’ll see you guys soon,”  I tell him. His face has a sad look on it. He strokes my cheek and then presses his lips to mine softly.

“Good bye Keke,” he says and then walks away.

Something’s wrong. I can tell. He never says bye to me. He hasn’t said bye to me since a year ago when they went on tour. 

The next couple of days are tough. Paparazzi follow me everywhere and there’s not one word from Harry.

To: Lou Bear: Hey Lou, is Harry okay? I haven’t heard from him in over a week.

From: Lou Bear: He’s okay. Sorry love but I’ve got to go. Paul’s calling us in for another recording session. 

Those are the kind of texts I get from all of them except from Harry, who I’ve heard nothing from. When I try to call, no one answers. Finally, I just stop calling, I stop trying to text them. My sadness and worry turns into anger. Why won’t they talk to me? Even Cassie and Rachel seem a bit secretive. I know they’ve been talking to the boys more than I have. 

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