~New Girl~

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After returning from the bathroom, I glanced around, but the cheerful girl was nowhere to be seen. In that moment, my heart raced as my name and number echoed through the air like a melody of fate. "Number 33, Son Hyeju," the voice called, summoning me into the mysterious room.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside, only to find that the nerves I thought had left me had returned like an unexpected storm. My heart drummed in my chest, and my palms felt clammy as I introduced myself just as I had done earlier to the cheerful stranger.

When the time came to sing and dance, a wave of laziness washed over me. Hoping to hurry the audition along, I half-heartedly performed, letting my steps and notes follow their own whims.

To my surprise, the audition concluded in a flash, leaving me dazed. In the haze of the moment, I hardly noticed the outcome—I assumed I had failed and left without a second thought.

The next day, the sun rose on a new day filled with anticipation. As I readied myself to meet friends, a call from BBC disrupted my plans. Their words were a shock—my audition had been successful, and I was to come to the company the next day as a trainee.

Skepticism clouded my excitement, and I shared the news with my mother, who advised caution against possible scams. Despite the doubts, the day passed quickly in the company of friends. Nervousness and excitement intertwined as I headed to BBC for my training.

But to my astonishment, upon arrival, I was told that I was not just a trainee; I was going to debut. Baffled by the sudden turn of events, I couldn't help but ask why I had passed despite my lackluster audition.

The lady explained that the producers had seen a clip from my previous training and were impressed by me. They believed that my less-than-stellar performance was due to feeling unwell on audition day. Their confidence in my fit with the group led to the decision to debut me.

Still skeptical, I muttered an uncertain "okay" and asked what was next. The reply was simple—we were to learn a song and follow the producers' directions for recording.

As she left, another girl approached me. With a friendly "hi," she asked a question that stayed with me forever: "Are you good at singing?" Stumped by the randomness of the question, I replied with a hesitant "No."

Her sigh of relief was unexpected, and we shared a spontaneous chuckle that turned into laughter. She introduced herself as Gowon—a person whose soft voice and shy demeanor matched my own, making her feel like a kindred spirit.

Time passed as I chatted with the girl I had met earlier. Amid our conversation, a curious thought crossed my mind—were all the girls at BBC so friendly? She hesitated before answering, assuring me that they were indeed friendly.

As we spoke, my name was called once again. I bid farewell to my newfound friend and entered the room, where the image of the cheerful girl from earlier lingered in my mind. As she exited with a radiant smile, my body instinctively reached out, only to be stopped by a producer named PD Park.

He introduced himself and shared the plans for my debut. As he spoke, my thoughts drifted back to the cheerful girl whose image had lingered throughout the day.

When PD Park finished, he showed me the song guide, revealing the name "Olivia Hye." Intrigued, I asked if Olivia Hye would be singing with me, only to discover that Olivia Hye was to be my stage name. The shock and disbelief reverberated in my voice as I exclaimed, "What?"

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