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The following morning, as I arose from my bed, a familiar voice called my name.

"Olivia... Olivia... Are you awake?"

I left my room and ventured towards the living room. Upon entering, I found all the members gathered in a circle.

"Come sit here," Haseul beckoned, and I obliged, taking a seat between her and Vivi.

Haseul initiated an explanation about how the dorm operated, prompting everyone to introduce themselves one by one. After each member finished, it was my turn.

Shyness struck momentarily, but introductions concluded more swiftly than expected.

Once the "Loona Girls Meet-Up," as Haseul termed it, came to an end, I tended to my morning routine. Washing my face, brushing my teeth, and taking a shower consumed my time.

As I waited in the room for the manager's arrival, Choerry entered the living room and settled next to me. She delved into an explanation of the post-MV release schedule, providing crucial insights.

Amid her explanation, an oddity caught my attention – one of her eyes displayed an unusual hue. Yet, upon closer inspection, her eyes seemed normal. I dismissed the anomaly, focusing on her words.

When Choerry concluded, we lapsed into an awkward silence, soon interrupted by Gowon's entrance. Unexpectedly, Choerry and Gowon dissolved into laughter.

The manager joined us after a five-minute delay, and our workday commenced. I entered the practice room where the members gathered and found a corner to observe their practice.

After ten minutes, Chuu summoned me to the vocal room, where I met with the producers. Following the conversation, I returned to the practice room, joining the others in their rehearsal.

Five hours flew by, leading to lunchtime. I followed my fellow members to the cafeteria and retrieved a plate of food, only to be called away by them. We relocated to a room with glass windows and a door.

Sitting down, I initially attempted to eat quietly, but the members wouldn't hear of it. A conversation started, and despite my initial shyness, I gradually found myself drawn in.

Lunchtime concluded before I realized it, and we returned to practicing. As the clock struck 11, practice ended. With school in the morning, I took a shower and retired early to prepare for the next day.

~next day~

Surprisingly, I discovered that Choerry and I attended the same school. I pondered why I had never crossed paths with her before.

In class, my thoughts turned to the MV's release. I speculated it would take a few weeks, but my reverie was cut short by my teacher calling my name. Asked to answer a question on the board, I responded randomly, leading to my removal from the classroom.

"This day just couldn't get any worse," I sighed.

School had always felt like a cage to me, and I the bird trapped within. Despite my lack of enthusiasm, I aimed to maintain decent grades – not exceptional but not abysmal either.

Being inconspicuous suited me, yet ironically, it had led me to become an idol. It was a peculiar twist of fate.

As I mused in the hallway, Choerry appeared before me. Despite having called out to her first, the action surprised me.

"Choerry," I exclaimed.

"Oh, Hyeju... Why are you in the hallway? Shouldn't you be in class?" she asked.

"I would be in class, but I wasn't paying attention when the teacher singled me out to answer a question."

"Anticipating trouble, I blurted out something random, which still indicated I wasn't paying attention. I was going to be sent out either way."

"Oh," she responded.

Curiosity prompted her to inquire about what had captivated my thoughts so deeply.

Confronted with embarrassment, I resorted to blurting out another random statement: "Well... I was thinking about you."

I had failed at attempting humor a second time, but this time it carried unintended weight. Attempting to laugh it off, I sensed her reaction was different, as if my words had struck a chord within her.

As I laughed, her tears began to flow, and she turned away, walking off.

After class, I searched for her, to no avail. She seemed to have vanished like a ghost.

During lunch, I asked Yeojin if she knew Choerry's whereabouts.

"Yeojin... Yeojin," I called.

"Yeah, unnie?" she replied.

"Do you know where Choerry might be?"

"Oh, Choerry unnie? She went to the roof, she always goes there when she's sad."

Hearing this, I questioned myself: "Did I really make her sad?"

With remorse, I thanked Yeojin and headed to the roof. There, Choerry sat on the edge with a somber demeanor. I approached cautiously and tapped her shoulder gently, hoping not to startle her.

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