The Beginning part 2

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"See the Supreme Being had always existed, but for her, she lived in darkness. And to her the world wasn't what it is now, the world was originally darkness, and she existed inside of the darkness or eons".

"But the Supreme Being had become tired of the endless darkness, she eventually decided to eternally rest".

"But she faced a big problem, her powers were too great and so she was bound to the darkness. She tried everything she could to free herself, to no avail".

"Millions of years passed and just as she was about lose all hope, it came to her".

"She came to the conclusion that she was bound to the darkness because, the darkness must always have an opposite (hence her) and so to free herself she needs a replacement".

"But the same problem occurred, the vessel couldn't contain all her powers and would eventually crumble and so she thought of using 2 vessels as containers for her powers".

"But she knew that if the two vessels contain her power, they two would be bound to the darkness, so she came to the idea of giving the 1st vessel a huge portion of her powers and the 2nd vessel some of her powers and decided to also put the darkness in her".

"She thought that if the darkness was in a host with some of her powers it's couldn't bound both of them".

"And so she spent a million years creating the first vessel and another million creating the 2nd, eventually she succeeded in creating the 2 vessels".

"She decided to name the first vessel heejin and the second vessel Olivia hye. She then put them both in the starlight, a tool she created for them to rest in as they fully absorb the powers".

"Heejin only took 50,000 years to absorb the powers while Olivia hye took 500,000, since she had to absorb both the supreme beings power and the voids".

"Once heejin had awoken she became the second most powerful being after the Supreme Being. She trained under the Supreme Being learning how to use her powers while they waited for Olivia to awaken".

"After 450,000 years Olivia had woken up, when she awoke her powers were so immense it over powered the supreme beings".

"What the Supreme Being didn't know as she infused the darkness into her, is that the darkness slowly grew her powers, as it had done for the supreme beings".

"The only reason she had overpowered her is because the Supreme Being had exhausted her powers immensely when she created the vessels and infused the darkness into Olivia".

"Fearful of the powers being too great for Olivia to handle she lowered it to the same level as a fully trained heejin. She then put the power into the starlight and sealed it within Olivia".

"She then chose not to train Olivia, as she believed she was already powerful enough, this caused the supreme being to train heejin as much as she could so that they could even each other's powers out".

"What she didn't realize it that this caused Olivia hye to think that the Supreme Being didn't care for her. Causing her to resent heejin".

"As thousands of years went by, the resentment that Olivia held grew immensely due to the influence of the darkness, causing Olivia to almost kill heejin".

"Angry, the Supreme Being created another starlight and tried sealing more of her powers as they had grown over the millennia".

"But to her surprise her powers shattered the starlight into pieces. It seemed that her powers grew too much and it was now running wild".

"To contain it she created an even stronger seal, the Starseed, it was created using both the eternal darkness and the supreme beings remaining powers".

"But this only caused Olivia hye's resentment to be amplified, in fear of her accidently killing heejin she thought that if Olivia hye slept longer she could fully absorb the powers, and the darkness's influence could weaken. And so she had no choice but to seal her In the Starseed".

"She still was worried about what were to happen once she broke free. So she also sealed her memories in the first starlight".

"But that still couldn't calm her worries, so she took the starseed and put it in Heejin's shadow without her knowing".

"She then told heejin that Olivia hye would be resting to fully absorb her powers. And that she had a mission for heejin".

"The Supreme Being told heejin that she had lived in the darkness by herself for too long causing her to resent her own existence.

"Not wanting the same thing for heejin she instructed her to use her powers to bring the void color".

"Once she had done instructing heejin on what to do. She went to finally rest in the great void".

"With a purpose, heejin used her powers to fill the empty void with color, but the void was too big and would take too long for her to fill. And so she came up with the idea of creating other goddesses".

"She created 2 goddesses each representing a color in the void. She then instructed them to fill the void with color, and create more goddesses to help".

"And so in a span of 9 million years, the void was filled with color".

"She then decided to create a world where she would reside. She had thought that with the creation of these other goddesses her mission was complete".

"That was far from the truth, to her knowledge Olivia hye was still resting, but was she didn't know was that she was close to fully absorbing her powers and was nearing awakening".


"And that is the story of creation and how us goddesses came to be, well... most of it since there are still somethings I can't say".

"So what you basically just said is that, there are 12 of you and each have a power related to color"?


"In the simplest answer.... Yes that's correct".

"And what's your color" I eagerly asked.


"Well my color is purple, just like my color in loona".

"Wait so if it's the same in loona and the other members are in it, and my stage bane is Olivia hye.... Am I her"?


"Oh, you actually guessed quicker in this world. Yes you hyeju are the Olivia hye that was sealed. Do you want to know another shocking truth"?

"What truth? Other than the fact that I am also a goddess and that I was sealed because of darkness, I can't be surprised at this point".


"O... you actually are calmer than I expected you to be".

"Well you just told me about goddesses and all that and to; d me not to be surprised. Now you're shocked that I'm calm"?


Well... you know what you're right. See not only are you a goddess you... olvia hye... are my wife.

What....what...? Wife... me? Oh my fucking goddess.

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