The Plan

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The days had grown increasingly arduous, and the practice sessions had become gruelingly tiring. Fatigue was a shared sentiment among us, and it made sense – our performances demanded our utmost precision and dedication. Yet, as our leader, I couldn't help but feel frustrated. "Can you all please focus? Must I continually remind you that efficient practice means more time outside the rehearsal room?"

My attempts at maintaining discipline seemed to fall on deaf ears, and I felt a mixture of exhaustion and irritation creeping in.

Why is it that they fail to listen? I despise repeating myself, and they're well aware of that. Despite my aggravation, it appeared that my words held little sway over their behavior.

"Chuu, Hyunjin, Yeojin, and Haseul-unnie," I called out sternly. "Come here immediately."

"Why am I constantly instructing you on the proper movements and positioning? You're not children; you know what's expected. So, do it. Spare me the need to raise my voice."

"It's late at night, and we're all fatigued. I understand, but that doesn't excuse you from slowing the rest of us down."

"But Hyeju..." Chuu's attempt to use her charm to escape admonishment did nothing to temper my frustration.

"No excuses. Get your act together so we can conclude and leave."

I had hoped that this reprimand would rekindle their focus, but I was mistaken. Instead, they merely turned around and resumed their conversations.

I questioned myself. Why do I bother? Every effort I make to ensure we finish early for some relaxation and conversation appears to be in vain.

"Wait, I've got it." An idea flashed into my mind. I knew just how to regain their attention. "Listen up," I called out. "I've got a proposition for you."

"If you can maintain focus until we finish, I'll treat you to snacks when we get home. Deal?" Just like that, they snapped into focus mode.

As I had hoped, practice concluded successfully. Some members chose to shower at the company, while others opted to do so at home.

One thing had puzzled me, though: Choerry never seemed to join the group for communal showers. My curiosity was left unquenched until Jinsoul approached her with the inquiry.

I anticipated an emotionally charged explanation, like something out of a melodramatic movie. However, Choerry's response was unexpectedly simple: "Oh... I feel embarrassed."

Had I heard that correctly? I questioned my ears. Seeking clarity, I asked Jinsoul, and my disbelief was confirmed: even the audacious Choerry felt embarrassment? This was an unprecedented revelation – to see her express something other than unflinching confidence.

I assumed that would be the end of it. Yet, that was far from reality. Word spread among the members, and a collective mission emerged – to convince Choerry to shower with the group.

They attempted to recruit me into their efforts, but I knew better than to tangle with Choerry when she was angry. I cautioned against their plan, advocating for respect of her privacy. But as usual, my advice fell on deaf ears.

They convened in the living room, plotting with enthusiasm. I observed their antics, even Vivi-unnie joining in – all dedicated to this peculiar endeavor.

Jinsoul: "So, here's what we'll do. We wait for her to start showering, then we all join her in there."

Yeojin: "What if she suspects us?"

Yves: "Some of us will distract her, while the rest pretend to go to our rooms. We'll wait for her to enter the bathroom, then surprise her."

Their plan was flawed, overly optimistic about her lowering her guard so quickly. But another plan emerged from Kim Lip, a more elaborate yet equally risky scheme.

Kim Lip: "Here's a better idea. We all pretend to go to the store, then hide outside the dorm and leave the door unlocked. When she's inside, we jump in."

The excitement was palpable, the thrill of the plan overshadowing its recklessness. They were fixated on seeing her naked, a notion I found perplexing, even if I was fond of her.

Intrigued, I remained nearby to eavesdrop, listening to their discussions. Their ideas were baffling, reflecting a lack of respect for personal boundaries.

Despite my protests, they forged ahead, united in their quest. I approached to listen more closely, eager to comprehend their misguided plans.

Jinsoul: "What's she hiding in there?"

Yeojin: "Why do we even want to peep?"

Yves: "Because we're all perverts."

Gowon: "Does that make me a pervert too, then?"

Vivi: "Let's focus on something else, like movies and baking."

Kim Lip: "We can bake later. This is a unique chance we can't pass up."

Their determination was baffling, bordering on obsession. Amid their conversation, Viv-unnie stood out, offering a voice of reason.

Vivi: "Let's not do this. We could be watching movies while I bake."

Kim Lip: "We'll bake tomorrow. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Haseul: "What happens when she finds out?"

Hyunjin: "Aeong... aeong..."

Chuu: "We can deal with it then. Right now, let's focus on the moment."

I contemplated intervening, but their collective persistence thwarted my efforts. Thus, their plan took shape.

Once they left, the dorm was empty save for Choerry and me. I pondered whether to warn her but curiosity overcame me, and I kept silent.

As Choerry entered the shower, they executed their plan precisely. They departed, leaving me to wrestle with my conscience.

After a while, I considered the consequences of their actions. As much as I disapproved, they were intent on their path, unswayed by my concerns.

The minutes ticked by, and Choerry remained unaware of their intentions. Soon, I heard the door open again. It was them. The tension in the room was palpable as they gathered around the door.

And then, the moment they had all been waiting for...

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