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"Alright, now that you're feeling better, can you go back to your own seat? Class is about to start."

Dealing with Seong Hwa's emotions and my aching stomach wasn't a pleasant combination. I hoped to endure until lunch; if the pain became unbearable, I'd retreat to the nurse's office.

By third period, I found it nearly impossible to withstand the pain any longer. My head throbbed, and my body lacked energy.

Merely standing seemed to fatigue my legs and arms. The situation was far from ideal, considering I still had to practice later.

Unable to suppress it any further, I addressed the situation. "Ms. Kim, I'm not feeling well. Could I go to the nurse's office?"

Ms. Kim:

"Oh, Hyeju, is it very serious, or can you wait until the end of the class?"

From her expression, it seemed she doubted the severity of my condition. To her, I probably appeared as if I wanted to skip class.

"Yes, it's quite serious. I might even pass out right here if I don't go now." My intention was to make her feel guilty for any consequences that might arise if I stayed.

Ms. Kim:

"Alright, take the hall pass with you."

"Okay," I sighed, relieved to finally leave the dull class that only exacerbated my headache. Just as I was about to rise and head out, Seong Hwa whispered to me, "Pssst, Hyeju, are you sick? Do you want me to come with you? I can come right now."

I was aware that if I divulged the truth, she would insist on accompanying me, and I couldn't deal with her overconcerned behavior. Instead, I offered a minor fib, explaining that I had a headache and planned to rest briefly in the nurse's office. I added that she should stay and take notes for me.

I knew giving her a task would discourage her from impulsively skipping class. To my surprise, she agreed swiftly, engrossed in taking notes. I departed as quickly as possible, feeling a weight off my shoulders.

Exiting the room, I spotted Choerry standing in the hallway like a specter. Wondering why she lingered there and how long she'd been there, I approached her and inquired about her presence.


"I was coming from the counselor's office when I was about to pass by your classroom and heard you ask your teacher to go to the nurse's office."

"I thought I should come with you if it was something serious."

"Oh, you don't need to worry. It's not that serious; it's just that time of the month. I want to lie down and take some pain relievers."

"Can I still come with you?" she asked, her face sporting the most adorable expression. I couldn't refuse. In fact, I welcomed the chance for some time alone with her, without other members or staff around.

I attempted to slow my pace deliberately, despite the painful cramps. But Choerry insisted on hurrying me, clearly concerned.

"Mrs. Choi, are you in?" Choerry called out. Her worry was palpable, her nerves evident as she paced around.

Seeing her fretting over me, I tried to calm her. "Choerry... choerry."

"Huh?" she replied, her voice soft and tinged with anxiety.

"Take a deep breath. I'm going to be fine. Why are you so nervous over something normal?" I inquired.

"Well... I'm just worried about you," she responded, her voice trembling towards the end of her sentence.

"I'll be okay," I smiled reassuringly, realizing that she was more anxious about my cramps than I was, which I found rather endearing.

Unbeknownst to me, I uttered my thoughts aloud. Hastily covering my mouth, I glanced at Choerry to gauge her reaction.

As expected, she had heard. Her ears reddened, and when our eyes met, she turned away, her blush evident.

With the atmosphere becoming slightly awkward, I opted to reassure her once more that I'd soon recover and encouraged her not to skip class because of me.

Though she kept insisting on staying until I felt better, I knew she was being overly cautious. I assured her that I'd be fine, urging her to continue with her class.

Reluctantly leaving my side, she ensured I was comfortable before departing.


"Alright, Hyeju, I'm leaving now. Make sure to rest, take your pain meds, and drink some warm water..."

"Okay, I understand. Geez, you act like my mother sometimes."

Finally alone, I settled down, closed my eyes, and suddenly found myself giggling at the memory of her blushing when I called her cute.

"Riingg... Riingg..."

"Oh no, I dozed off." I scrambled to check the time on the wall clock.

My worst fear materialized. I had missed lunch, my favorite period at school. Besides enduring that dreadful cramp, I had also skipped lunch.

This day had officially hit rock bottom. All I wanted was to go home, but that was wishful thinking, considering I still had practice after school. I was beginning to question whether pursuing a career as an idol was worth this ordeal.

Nevertheless, dwelling on the past wouldn't help. I'd already come so far; I couldn't give up over a single day. You've got this, Hyeju. Just four more periods, and then school is over.

And just like that, school finally ended. I waited for the other members as usual, and together we walked to the company, which wasn't too far away.

We arrived a little later than usual due to a quick stop at the convenience store - again. We stocked up on light snacks in preparation for our official debut as a full group after my solo promotions ended last week.

The looming prospect of starting a diet next week compelled us to indulge in whatever we could before restrictions set in. Being someone who easily gained weight, I was particularly vigilant about this diet.

Even though I tried sneaking in some snacks after the diet commenced, I was caught. Resigned to my fate, I embraced the strict regimen.

Preparing for our debut album was no small feat. Rehearsing choreography as a full group proved exponentially more challenging than I had anticipated. A single mistake by anyone meant restarting from scratch.

I detested having to repeat myself, but given the size of our group, it was challenging to maintain focus. As a result, I had to raise my voice to get everyone's attention.

With album preparations underway, I had to become comfortable in front of the camera. This began with Loona TV, the first step in the process.

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