The plan Part2

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Confusion reigned as we stared at the empty shower, our bewilderment palpable.

Heejin: "Wait, where is she?"

Jinsoul: "How would I know? Don't look at me."

Yves: "The shower's running, though. Where could she be?"

Yeojin: "Is Choerry a ghost now?"

Gowon: "What?"

Hyunjin: "Aeong."

Haseul: "I suppose she left."

Kim Lip: "How? We saw her go in. Hyeju is probably the only one who knows."

"Hey now, why are you all staring at me? Do you think I have all the answers?"

Kim Lip: "Well, wouldn't you? We left, and you stayed back. It's natural to assume you'd know."

A valid point, and yet I truly had no insight to offer. I had witnessed Choerry enter the bathroom just like the others, and I was just as perplexed by her disappearance.

Yves: "If she's not here, then where could she possibly be?"

Choerry: "Right behind you."

We all jumped, startled by her sudden appearance. How had she managed to sneak up on us?

Heejin: "When did... how did you..."

Jinsoul: "This is freaky."

Yves: "Well, this didn't go as planned."

Hyunjin: "Aeong-ah is back."

Yeojin: "Not now, Hyunjin-unnie. We're in trouble."

Choerry: "I can't believe you guys would actually try something like this."

Yes, I could believe it. Their penchant for mischief and trouble was undeniable.

Kim Lip: "How did you know our plan? Unless..."

Kim Lip turned her attention to me, and I felt a pang of guilt even though I hadn't said a word.

"Wait a minute. Why are you all looking at me? Do you honestly think I have anything to do with this?"

Kim Lip: "Why are you defending yourself before I've even said anything? Unless... you're guilty."

"You can't be serious," I protested as their accusing eyes turned toward me. I was outnumbered.

Kim Lip: "I do think so. You were the only one in the dorm with her when we pretended to leave. You must've told her."

"I was just as baffled as you all when she disappeared. How could I have told her anything?"

Kim Lip: "Perhaps you were trying to cover your tracks."

"Wait, do you really think that Choerry finding out has something to do with me?"

Kim Lip: "Yes, because you were alone with her when we left. You might have mentioned something."

"You're all making unfair assumptions," I said, feeling the weight of their doubts.

Kim Lip: "We wouldn't put it past you. But then again, maybe not."

Their suspicions hung in the air, leaving me feeling unjustly accused. Choerry spoke up, offering a different perspective.

Choerry: "Before you start pointing fingers, maybe think first? Did you really believe I wouldn't notice when all of you conspicuously gathered in the living room?"

Heejin: "Oh."

Jinsoul: "That makes sense."

Yves: "This isn't good."

Choerry: "Don't 'oh' me. You all gathered up in a group - did you think I wouldn't be curious?"

Heejin: "We didn't think that far ahead."

Choerry: "Of course you didn't. You were so fixated on your plan to see me in the shower that you overlooked the fact that I could hear you."

Jinsoul: "We wouldn't have gone through all this if you had just joined us."

Choerry: "So, this is why you decided to invade my privacy? Because of that? You asked why, and I told you."

"That's exactly what I said," I interjected, hoping to align myself with her perspective.

Choerry: "You stay quiet. You're the most rational one here, yet you chose to side with them. That's disappointing."

It was a tough point to argue against. While I had cautioned them against their plan, I was still here, entangled in the mess.

Choerry: "I only shower by myself because I'm not completely comfortable showering together yet. I understand your intention was innocent, but it shouldn't have happened like this."

Heejin: "Got it."

Jinsoul: "We just wanted you with us."

Choerry: "Sigh... It's okay. I should've communicated my feelings more clearly."

Her response was mature and understanding, and I empathized with her position. Yet, I still couldn't shake the feeling that their behavior had been inappropriate, regardless of their intentions.

Choerry: "Okay, now that you know, scatter. I still need to shower, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook."

As they dispersed, some to their rooms and others to the living room, I tried to slip away unnoticed. But before I could, Choerry grabbed me by the collar, reminding me that our conversation was far from over.

Choerry: "You, stay put. I need to talk to you. Wait until I finish showering."

I nodded, apprehension gnawing at me. Why was I so afraid of Choerry? The intensity of her anger and my lack of memory regarding our past interactions weighed heavily on my mind. As I waited, I resolved to uncover the truth, piece by piece.

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