217. Real Life

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"I know we have been focusing a lot on mine and Paul's bourbon while you're here at home with the kids despite having your wine with Julianne already out," Ian said to Nina when they were getting ready for bed after the long day they had by throwing Blaire her third birthday party, "so fro now on we'll focus on your brand instead of mine,"

"What? No, there's no need for that babe, I know how important this has been for you since—"

"No, we've been focusing on my drink since March and now it's time we focus on yours. I know you've done a few promo photos here and there but nothing like what Paul and I have." Ian said cutting her off and Nina gave her husband a smile that he returned by cupping her cheeks, "I know I have told you many times how proud I am of you, but I am. And I'm sorry that I'm always leaving you to watch the kids on your own when you could be out with Jules doing good promo for your wine,"

"And I don't mind being home with them," Nina said closing her eyes before reopening them, "being home with the kids and seeing you do what you love is the best reward and Jules knows that."

"And not only that, but you're going to be doing a movie which I'm so incredibly proud of," Ian added, "and also your wine became a partner with the LA Chargers which we still need to celebrate,"

"We will, eventually, get to that" Nina agreed making Ian smile, "I love you, and I'm so damn proud of all your achievements and everything in between"

"I love you for all that you are," Ian stared before pecking her on the lips making Nina smile.

And true Ian's words, a few weeks after the celebration of their eldest child's birthday, Nina and Julianne did their wine promotion, their partnership with the LA Chargers and just a few days ago, Nina announced her new project 'Reunion' which will feature their close friend, Chance Crawford. To say the fans were happy to see that Nina was doing her own thing while others of course had some nasty things to say about her work and Ian was always there to support his wife and tell the haters off.

Now that Nina and Ian were both currently done with their promo, the pair decided to go on a little trip to Hawaii to get away from everything and as a final family trip before Blaire begins pre-school. Both parents were a little sad at h hips fast that their little girl was growing up and starting school but were just as proud of her.

"Can't believe she'll be a preschooler soon," Nina said as she and Ian stood in the threshold of their daughter's door watching the three year old sleep as they will be leaving for the airport early the next day.

"She's growing way to fast for my liking," Ian said resting his chin on her shoulder making Nina smile, "it's crazy that we've had her for three years already"

"I know and soon Arrow will be turning two and Duncan will be one" Nina said making Ian groan which made her chuckle at his reaction, "I know I know,"

"They're growing way too fast," he mumbled and Nina nodded in agreement as they silently closed the door to Blaire's room softly before they made their way down the hall towards their sons' shared nursery where their hearts melted seeing Arrow's hand sticking through the crib's bars to hold Duncan's little one. Ever since they moved the crib out of their room and into Arrow's , Ian had to move their middle child's bed closer to the crib because Arrow demanded to be near his baby brother claiming he had to be next to him because he was his baby bother's superhero and didn't want the baby to cry if he didn't have anyone near him.

"Those two and Blaire are inseparable and they'll take her being gone from home for hours hard,"
Nina whispered closing the door


"Not happening, she's already enrolled and the boys will eventually get used to her being away," she said cutting off Ian's words and he sighed nodding, "plus this will help her grow into her own person and learn other things outside of what we've taught her,"

"Alright, you're right" Ian relented as they entered their room and she smiled, "just know that if she doesn't like it, she won't be going back" Nina rolled her eyes and shook her head at his words before walking to the bathroom to get ready for bed

"At least give her a week" she said poking her head out the door to look at him and he nodded.

"Let's get some sleep before we need to be up bright and early tomorrow" Ian said once Nina was getting dressed and was now laying beside him on the bed with her head on his chest,

"We've got a long day tomorrow, don't we?"


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