206. Group Chat

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Family of Vamps

Mother 🧑🏻

Uncle JoMo👨🏼
What is it Neens?

GrandPa Dan👨🏼‍🦳
And does this have to do with why Paul and Ian aren't on the chat?

Uncle Nate📸
Wait they're not?

Aunt Candice👩🏼

Aunt Phoebe
Why aren't they on here?

Mother 👩🏻
Well as you guys already know, Ian and Paul are coming out with their own bourbon soon I wanted to throw them a celebration party on Friday since it'll be a weekend and we can all have a bbq the following day

Aunt Claire🌺
Omg that's so sweet Nina, those two have worked so hard on this project

Uncle Steven🍻
I'm definitely in

I knew I cod count on you all

Uncle Michael T.🧔🏻
Same here

GrandPa Dan👨🏼‍🦳
I can never pass up an opportunity to see my favorite people I'm also in

Mother 🧑🏻
You don't need to bring anything other than yourselves and your plus ones

You know even if you say that we're going to be bringing something as well

That's true

Uncle JoMo👨🏼
I'll be there with a box of pizza

You know the way to a woman's heart JoMo

Aunt Candice👩🏼
I'll bring the smacks

Uncle Nate📸
I'll bring the camera to capture it all for you guys

Uncle Steven 🍻
If alcohol is involved in bringing a sleeping bag

Aunt Dannie 🌺
Of course you are Steven

Uncle Zach 🍻
I'm pretty sure everyone will be bringing a sleeping bag of alcohol is involved

Uncle JoMo👨🏼
Where is the lie in that though?

GodDad 🕶

GodMom 🌸
And extra clothes don't forget the extra clothes

Mother 👩🏻
I'll be sure to set up the guest rooms and the playroom for everyone to sleep in

Aunt Candice👩🏼
I call dibs on one of the guest rooms

GodMom 🌸
I do too, 

Uncle JoMo 👨🏼
I think all the families should take a guest room while we singletons take the playroom and living room

Aunt Dannie 🌺
Got once I agree with JoMo

Mother 👩🏻
Oh boy, this is going to be an interesting night

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