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❤️ Liked by nina, and 2,738,900 others

iansomerhalder: Staring down 2023 like....

The holidays are over and 2023 is here. However the "feel good" hopeful part of the New Year doesn't have to fade.

What are YOU going to do to make this year the best you've ever had? A launch pad for a better future for you and yours.

What changes will you make?

How will you be bigger and stronger than your excuses?

What old habits will you drop and evolve/grow?

Who will you pick up the phone and call for help, because you can't do it alone?

Just remember this simple little equation:
Skill + Passion = Purpose

Good luck people! We've got work to do! I've got some huge announcements coming this year, that I can't wait to share...

Cheers and thank you,


view all 10,279 comments

esthersmith: Beautiful soul, i wish You and Nina all the Best! 🥰🥰🥰

niandaily: You are look so good and great 🙂 Much love to you and your family 🙏💕

daisyyy: Very very true coming from a hard worker.You are always finding ways to improve yourself and motivate others.

carliejohnson: Best Wishes to you in 2023 Ian Somerhalder ❤️ well said

adammorgan: Nice to see a post from you again.. Your words are truly and always been an inspiration to many.  Such a very good man (with a very  very good looks😍) Now Im thinking and hoping for Vwars because of this photo.. Hahaha. Fingers crossed. I so missed you being on screen. I miss TVD a lot. Happy New Year to you and to your beautiful family @iansomerhalder

sharondavis: Good luck Ian though you don't need it 👍no matter what you do you will be amazing ❤️

nina: I love how passionate and motivated you are esto better yourself and help others do the same...our babies are lucky to have such an incredible man as their daddy to motivate them into being the best version of themselves even if they're still little..you show them they can be whole ever they want to be and to love themselves always ❤️

nian_delena: Nina's comment though 🥺

carolinamatthews: Well firstly I will say that this picture alone has made my year a little better already 😉

But these are wonderful words of encouragement , we all face daily challenges and sometimes the year ahead can look a little daunting, Im going into it with not too many high expectations of myself. Just putting one foot in front of the other and be the best version of myself as I feel Ive lost part of myself over the last decade of my life...and I will reach out and ask for help if needed with my amazing support network. Cheers to being awesome 😎 🤩🥰

frankmorano: yes sir let's work 💪🏼

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