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iansomerhalder: and so it begins.

My sweetest Blaire

Today was your first day of preschool and I am both relieved and pleased to say mommy and I have made it through without shedding a tear. Okay, maybe just up until the time I began writing this letter. My heart was so full of joy as I watched how excited you were to enter through those classroom doors and meet your teachers.

Now that you are starting school, embarking on this new and exciting adventure, I find myself thinking about all the hopes and dreams we have for you. Here are just a few.

Always be true to who you are. Trying to be someone else is like being second-best. The greatest relationships you will ever have will be with those who know, love, and accept you for who you are. You are such a sweet lovable caring stubborn helpful independent joyful human being.

We hope you always keep your love of learning and exploring. The possibilities are endless. The world is your oyster.

Please remember that it does not matter how popular you are. What does matter is always treating others with kindness and respect. THAT is what you will want to be remembered by.

Dream big baby girl. Shoot for the stars. Always set goals and work your hardest to achieve them. We'll always believe in you. We are your biggest fans.

You are three years old. It happened in a blink of an eye. It feels like just yesterday I was driving your mommy and you home from the hospital in that rainstorm.

I woke up today and you brushed your teeth, dressed yourself, put your backpack on, and said, "I'm so excited!" And then you squeezed me really tight with one of your special Blaire hugs.I hope you never stop hugging me like that.

I love you baby blues, and I am so proud of you!



👤 @nina

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nina: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 my baby is growing up way too fast

ninaisaqueen: omg I can't believe she's a preschooler already 🥺 where did the time even go???

delenaforever: the caption though 🥺🥺🥺 and the sign 🤣

nian_delena: i can already picture nina crying as they drop her off at school 🤣

nina: @niam_delena believe it or not Ian was the one crying as we dropped her off 🤣 he didn't want her to go to school today but she was so excited to go that he couldn't say no

clarylovesdelena: her outfit is on freaking point though 😍

juleshough: goodness she's grown so much in so little time 💕

paulwesley: when you sent me the photo of her in her classroom I can say that I cried she is so grown I can't even believe it

katgraham: she looked absolutely beautiful in her first day of school dress 💕

niandaily: the caption = heart 😭

christophrwood: what a beautiful girl..she's going to have the most amazing time in school, can't believe she's already in school...it feels surreal Mel and I were just coming to visit you when she was born and now look at her. Give her extra hugs from us and Huxley

mkmalarky: you and i both my man...i tried not to cry when Kat and I dropped the twins at school

robyn_somerhalder: my little niece is officially a preschooler and I cannot handle it 🥺

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