240. Real Life

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Summer vacation was officially coming to an end and Blaire was excited to go back to school. Nina and Ian have decided to not put the boys in daycare and spoke with Edna to see if she'd be willing to watch the boys for them while they worked, of course, she agreed the second they asked her but refused to receive any form of payment. Needless to say, Ian and his mother had a mini argument until she agreed to get paid for watching the boys whenever they needed her to. She was more excited to spend more time with her grandsons than anything so it was a win-win for them all. Nina and Ian can get back to work without having to worry about who'll watch the boys since Blaire would be in school until they were done with their respective work.

Now, as stated, August was coming to an end which also meant that both Arrow and Duncan would be having their birthdays. This would be their second shared birthday since Duncan was born. The pair had feared that Arrow would be upset about sharing his birthday with his baby brother but were relieved when he was just as excited as the soon to be 2 year old. Crazy to think that they now had a four-year-old, a soon-to-be three-year-old, and a two-year-old. They never expected their lives to go this way but they wouldn't change anything because it was everything they ever dreamt of even if it didn't happen the way they expected it to go.

Ever since their children were born, Nina and Ian's relationship has gotten stronger even if they did have arguments—I mean who didn't? Not every marriage is perfect. If it were it would be a lie. Every strong and successful marriage has its ups and downs here and there but in the end, when two people truly love each other the way Nina and Ian do, there's nothing that could tear them apart.

There will always be people in the world that will wish for nothing but misery so they're not the only ones drowning in it.

Nothing in life will ever be simple, but you just have to battle it out and keep going if you want to be happy. You can't let other people dictate how you feel and how you should go on with your life. You're the only one who has the reigns of your and happened no one else.

Nina and Ian have had their fair share of moments where they thought that going their separate ways would be better than having to deal with the negative things that are said about them but then they think it through and decided to fight back giant those trolls because they remembered was they promised each other the day they were married. To always love one another and be there for each other through the ups and downs of life. And so that's what they've done even when they feel the whole world is crashing down on them.

"I love you," those three little words are all that it takes for them to remember that their love was stronger than anyone that tried to tear them apart.

Shaking her head, Nina, sighed and smiled when she remembered that her little boys would be turning three and two in a few weeks and she had a lot to do.

So grabbing a blank piece of paper from the drawer in the kitchen, Nina walked towards the kitchen island and sat down. She jotted down ideas on how to incorporate Arrow's love of Toy Story and Duncan's love of Cocomelon into one. In the end, she decided that half of the party favors would be Toy Story and the other would be Cocomelon and the boys would have individual cakes with their themes.

"What are you doing?" Ian asked as he saw his wife on the island chewing on the back of her pen in concentration as she stared down at her makeshift birthday plan.

"Planing the boys' birthday party," she replied and he hummed as he pressed a kiss to her cheek, "what do you think?" He looked down at the doodles his wife drew and smiled.

"I think the boys will love it," he replied with a smile and she beamed, "They will love anything you come up with honey."

Nina smiled as she leaned back against him, "can't believe they'll be three and two soon."

"I know," he murmured kissing the top of her head, "it's insane how much time has gone by since we brought them each home."

"It is but I'm glad that I get to do this with you," she stated as she looked up at him and he grinned before pressing a kiss to her lips.

"I'm glad I get to do this with you as well, baby."

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