The Final Chapter

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Trigger warning: mentions of rape and sex trafficking as well as drug addiction, self harm, and incest

She held a gun to their backs and walked them down to the basement. The equipment that was there mere hours ago was now gone and replaced with five placements each tailored to the sins of each prisoner. Amanda first led brad to his "station". She chained him to the floor and moved a block of knives to be within his reach.

"I don't care which you choose, but make it quick. I'll let you go without killing you under one condition. You do what you did to her to yourself."

"Who?" Brad asked, raising a brow."

"Idiot. Who the hell do you think? Carve whore into your chest, you're more of a whore than she ever was."

"Why the hell would I listen to you, I'm the one with the knives."

"And I'm the one with the gun." She countered.

"Just do what she says, then you'll have a chance of getting out alive." Charlotte barked, "Who knows what she'll do to me."

As Brad contemplated listening to the bitch with the gun, Amanda moved on to Sophia.

"You murdered your baby, and your incestuous lover through drugs that you claim to have turned your back on." Amanda moved over to another area, one designed for the recovering addict.

"What is that?" Charlotte asked

"Oh no, no no no no no," Sophia said squeezing her eyes shut, "I can't, just kill me now I can't do this."

"Only one is full, the rest are used," Amanda smiled in a sickly sweet sort of way, "All you have to do is find the full one within three minutes."

"But there are at least a thousand syringes in there."

The vat was filled to the brim with opaque syringes, weighted so that Sophia would have to inject every one to find the drug. It was torture that would be accompanied by an unwanted bliss if she succeeded. Amanda pushed Sophia into the vat and started a timer. Each second clicked as the girl scrambled to find her drug of choice.

As the seconds passed like hours, Brad continued to be stuck in hell. With each cut he lost more and more blood, becoming weaker and weaker, realizing he wouldn't survive.

"Shoot me."

"What?" Amanda said, mocking him.

"I SAID SHOOT ME!" he screamed and so she did.

One shot, right through the head, from across the room. The brain matter splattered onto the wall behind. Though the room already reeked of blood and body fluids, the smell of death was stronger. The smell was poisonous and intoxicating, causing Charlotte to vomit and Amanda to laugh at her former friend's clear disgust.

"Now that that's over with, I'm tired of waiting." Amanda sighed, "Have you found it yet?"

"No, but the timer isn't up, you said three minutes."

"Well, I changed my mind." She rolled her eyes and pointed the gun at Sophia, "Find the needle soon or you're dead just like your shitty cousin and your incest baby!"

"Don't talk about them that way! I know I should be dead instead of them but if you kill me that's just another person dead." Sophia yelled, still frantically looking for her ticket to freedom.

"Do you think I care? I'm not Nicholas, I'm here for vengance not the cleansing of sin. I want you dead, all of you. No second chances, but somehow I find myself giving them again and again."

"You're a monster!" Charlotte said angrily, disgust clear in her wavering voice.

"Oh that's rich! I didn't hand my best friend over into sex traffickers! I was raped, not once, not twice but over and over again." She choked, "You deserve worse than hell and eternal death for this. That's why you're the last to suffer. The wait makes it worse, as well as the anticipation."

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