Chapter 6

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Brad Moses watched from his seat whilst Sophia struggled for her life. He didn't particularly care that she would most likely die. Neither did he care that she killed Olivia. In his mind, death was death and it didn't matter. This idea was put into his head at a young age.

He remembered it vividly...

10 years ago

"Brad?" His mother called.

"Yes, mommy?" he answered.

"Are you ready to visit grandma?"

Brad didn't respond. He felt odd about what they were about to do. His mom had tried to convince him that all of this would be for the better, but Brad still couldn't wrap his mind around it. She had told him they could go on all sorts of adventures after this was over. They could travel the world.

"Yes, mommy."

She drove them over to the little apartment. It was run down and smelled of vomit and bile.

"Go to grandma while I prepare her little surprise."

"Ok!" Brad smiled, his worries melted into pure happiness at this adventure.

His mother set a sharp silver knife onto the counter and waited patiently. Brad slipped into his grandmother's room quietly and stuck the small needle in her. The medication paralyzed her quickly. She wouldn't be able to fight back.

"Mommy, she's ready!" Brad cried with joy.

His mother entered with a grin on her face, "Are you ready for the fun part Brad?"

"Yes mommy, do I get to help?"

"Of course my baby boy, just let mommy do the hard part first."

His mother slashed the knife across the old woman's throat. The woman made guttural moans before going silent.

"It's your turn, Brad."

She directed him where to slice into the flesh. He carved jaggedly, forming a word that his mother spelled out for him.


Present Day

Brad snapped out of his memories and watched her again. The knife cleanly sliced through the flesh on her arm. It then made a nauseating grind as it hit the bone.
"Can I at least have a hacksaw!" Sophia shouted to the man in the walls, getting no reply.
Frustrated, she pounded the knife into the bone as hard as she could muster. She heard a pleasing "CRACK!" and the arm tore free.
She felt at peace meticulously taking Olivia's corpse apart limb by limb, but felt sick at the fact that she had taken a life.
She took the freshly severed flesh and placed it in the basin of acid. Her mind whirled. She was a murderer now. Sure it could be defined as self-defense, she still had intentionally killed another human. Sophia held her stomach in pain, as it all hit her. The sound of fleshing tearing from the flesh. The putrid smell of blood, urine, and bodily fluids. Sophia retched into the basin. Her vomit mixed with the gelatinous flesh and acid to create a horrific sight. She retched again. Everything around her seemed too bright and blurry. She had to work faster before the poison did its work. It was her only way to survive.
Charlotte smiled at Ben as he wiped the sweat from his brow. His hair stuck to his sticky forehead in clumps. Both of them had gotten quite a workout.
"Why do you think he chose us?" She asked.
"Maybe he chose at random and is just a sadistic bastard."
"Maybe, but I think we're all connected somehow. We all have secrets that could intertwine."
"Speak for yourself. I have nothing to hide."
"We both know that isn't true," Charlotte said looking him straight in the eyes.
His eyes flashed with anger and Ben grabbed her arm, "I don't have any secrets!"
"A brown-haired boy used to watch me every night. He thought I didn't see him, but I did. He watched me dress and sleep and live. I realized it was you that day I ran from you in the bathroom. I never wanted to fall in love with the boy who watched me, but you were charming. What you did was despicable, but I still loved you."
"I never hurt you." Ben said, gritting his teeth and gripping her arm tighter, "I needed to have you."
"It doesn't matter Ben, I'm in love with you. I don't care what you did." Charlotte lied.
Her mind flicked to a multitude of buried memories. When they first had sex she had drunk a glass of wine beforehand and felt woozy. She thought it was the alcohol, but maybe he had done something. Charlotte remembered the weekend he took her to the lake house. How she felt scared and trapped every second she was with him. She remembered the morning that she woke up woozy and sore. She realized that he could have raped her. Her bedroom window was unlocked and thinking back a few things were knocked over on her dresser. Charlotte's heartbeat quickened as she realized how dangerous her lover could be.
"We should check on Olivia and Brad." She suggested.
"I thought we could go another round?"
"I'm sore baby, can we just go?"
"I guess so," Ben said, getting up and dressed.
She dressed too and the pair walked down the steps.
Charlotte instantly felt nauseous. The smell of bleach, acid, stomach bile, flesh, and blood hit her with the force of a pressure washer. She dry heaved.
"Shit Olivia, you really murdered that girl!" Ben exclaimed.
" I killed her, I killed that psycho," Sophia said weakly and retched into the acid again.

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