chapter 3

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Daniel Vasquez

It was finally time to see if it was all a hoax. Daniel hurried to dress in a suit and tie. He had decided to go about an hour and a half earlier than specified.  He then secured the badge of an official police officer that he had swiped the previous day. Daniel knew it was illegal to impersonate an official and that stealing was as well, but he didn't care. He was going to be a hero.

He revved his engine and sped towards the old abandoned mansion. Daniel had decided to go an hour early to get a start on investigating. Upon reaching the destination, Daniel grabbed his notepad and slowly walked inside.

The mansion was incredible. There were red and black candelabras set on the dining room table. The candles dropped wax onto the cloth causing the display to look unkempt. Plates were arranged with delicate champagne glasses beside. A bottle of champagne sat in the absolute center with a pool of sticky liquid surrounding it.

Daniel explores the rest of the house. It was elegant and mysterious. Suddenly he heard a crash. Rushing to the other room he felt a sharp pain on the back of his head and everything went black.

Daniel looked around, but nothing seems different. He checked his pockets to see if anything was missing. His car keys were gone and in their place was a note:

Don't look behind you.

Of course, due to reverse psychology, Daniel immediately looked behind him. Something hard struck him in the head, but this time he didn't black out. He put his hand to his head and they came away sticky. The warm sticky liquid dripped down his neck as he collapsed to the floor. Blood pooled around him. Daniel felt dizzy and disorientated. After a few minutes, that felt like hours, he passed out.

Charlotte Smith

Charlotte dawned a blue dress shirt and black skirt. She was neatly dressed and her hair was in a tight bun. Ben had offered her a ride and of course she accepted. Charlotte may have been cheated on by him, but she still wanted him. Ben was incredibly hot and charming.

'I just want to-'

The door bell rang snapping her out of her thoughts.

"Char?" She heard a deep voice say.

She unbuttoned the top button of her already low blouse and opened the door

"Hi Ben." She said smiling

As expected his eyes immediately went to the unbuttoned top.

She raised an eyebrow, "Once a perv always a perv, huh Ben?"

He blushed, embarrassed, "No I- sorry, old habits die hard I guess."

That was a new one. He never apologized for getting pervy with her. They hadn't seen each other in a few months, but she hadn't expected the paradigm shift.

"It's ok," she said, "I honestly expected it."

"Char, I'm trying not to be like that anymore."

"Maybe sometimes I like it when you're like that..." she said quietly, half hoping he didn't hear her.

"Charlotte, we're not together anymore, If I get like that to you and then you'll get upset when I do that to other girls."

"What if we got back together?"

"Is that really a smart idea?"

"Well, I know you and your history. Plus you said you're changing."

"Why don't we just try going with things and if we get back together than we do. It'll be like a relationship just without the commitment. That way it won't hurt you as much if I mess up."

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