Chapter 8

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Nicholas has experienced the supernatural before and ignoring it had not gone well. His older brother was told by a psychic that he was going to become very ill on his vacation around the world. Jonah did not heed the warning and still traveled. He suffered much that year. He constantly had a fever and sickness for months after the trip. He was tortured until he died that winter. Nicholas' inner demons haunted him about this daily. The boy needed to tell his mother or she would suffer from a preventable fate.
Later at the office that day, Nicholas stopped Daniel and pulled him into the janitorial closet.
"What the hell!" Daniel yelled as Nicholas clamped a hand over his mouth.
"Shh! This is important."
"Mmmphh..." Daniel muffles.
"If I take my hand off, do you promise not to scream?"
The boy nodded and Nicholas removed his hand.
"What do you want?" Daniel asked, "Are you crazy or something?"
"No I'm not crazy." Nicholas said knowing clearly it was a lie. He had been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder, psychosis, and suffered from substance abuse. He was good at hiding his illnesses and abuse from others and even managed to convince his new psychiatrist that he was completely sane and that his child psychiatrists had misdiagnosed his overactive imagination. Nicholas had gotten so good at hiding himself that he barely believed he was sick anymore, though the constant drone of voices in his head kept him partially aware.
"I know about your visions. I overheard you talking to your dad and you need to tell your mother. The supernatural is real and dangerous when ignored." He explained to Daniel.
"I don't have visions!" Daniel said vehemently, "I just daydream about death."
"Is that really less concerning than uncontrollable visions? You seem more insane if you just say dream about death then if the visions are true."
"They're not real!" He shouted angrily, "My mom isn't going to die!"
Nicholas let Daniel go after this and during the next few weeks kept a sharp eye on him. When the day came that his boss got the news of his ex-wife's death, Nicholas knew Daniel could not go unpunished. Nicholas did not have a plan at that time but developed and added to it over the course of three years. He followed the Vasquez family to grey-town, a small town in northeastern Ohio. In that town he found that Daniel was not the only twisted and sick child. He found that there were 5 others who deserved justice. 5 others who surprisingly connected in some slight way. Daniel had no connection to them, but would be able to see how they would die and so he would become the first to receive justice instead of of the last and most brutally dealt with recipient. It wasn't ideal but it was enough to fuel two more full years of grueling planning, building and stalking. Things became easiest when Daniel went from homeschool to the public Trenton High school. His plan then officially started into motion after this integration.

A voice behind Nicholas caused him to jolt out of his memories.
"Nicholas?" The familiar voice asked, "Its almost time to start the next section of our little game."
"Ahh yes, Amanda. We have but five minutes until hell brings fire to the poisonous beings that lurk below us." Nicholas said to the rescued young woman.
The time had come.

"How could someone find out our secrets?"

"It's not as difficult as you'd think, " Ben said, "If you watch someone for long enough or at the right times, then you can find out anything and everything."

"What did you learn solely from watching me?" Charlotte asked.

Inside her mind screamed at her to tell him that she hated him. Her body ached to pound her fist into his sickening face. Hot tears burned at the corners of her eyes, but she wouldn't, she couldn't let them fall. Charlotte needed to be strong and focus on the task at hand. Right now Ben wasn't her enemy. And even though Ben could have drugged and raped her in the past, there was someone much more evil and much more sickening then her stalker turned lover.

"I learned how truly beautiful you are. I found that you would and are doing anything so that you don't end up like your mom. I learned to read even the hardest of your emotions. You taught me to listen when a person is silent because emotions can be louder than any words." Ben explained.

"If he knows every dark secret then he must have been watching us for years," Sophia said.

"Most definitely. The only way I learned much of anything about char was after watching her for six months. I learned a lot after we started dating."

Brad's face scrunched into a grimace, "Do you think he watched us when we had sex with people."

"He could have, but I don't think that was why he watched us. He had some sort of plan from the start. He went after Daniel first and then us. Maybe he knew Daniel before us and then found us to hurt too." Ben speculated,

"Makes sense to me," Brad said sighing.

Charlotte tapped her fingers on her knee incessantly. It took all of her concentration to keep herself from shaking. What would happen next? Who else would be taken from this world by this psychotic murderous night?

Nicholas felt the pressure of the inevitable. He had to start the game soon. The voices in his head chorused and anger itched through his fingers. He needed to kill again. He needed to torture. He needed to make them suffer for their sins.


"Yes, Nicholas?"

"The games will start now."

"You need to wait a bit longer. It causes them more suffering and imagination to what will happen next."

"Amanda I am the master here, not you. I rescued you and you repay me by working for me. You will get your time to enact revenge. It will come soon enough."

"Nicholas, it is in your best interest to do it this way. I- I want this to be enough. I'm scared that you'll keep killing after this and end up in prison or worse. I care about you." Amanda said, breaking her professional calm composure and revealing the nervous teenager she truly was.

He grabbed her neck and shoved her to the ground. She stifled her moans of pain as he hit her over and over again. His fists hit the soft flesh of her face and stomach. Upon standing, he kicked the ribs of his rescuee.

"I saved you from them and you're still an ungrateful little bitch!" He said kicking her harder.

"I'd rather be with them than kill innocent people!" Amanda said, gritting her teeth and trying to stand.

"They deserve everything they've done. They're murderers and psychopaths."

"You're no better than them. You're a murderer and even worse, a serial killer!"

Sophia's eyes traced the room for any clues that could lead to who could have done this. The wall was stained with a message of blood. It was written to Olivia. The memory from hours ago seeped into her brain like the blood that now stained the floorboards of the old hallway. The smell of dissolving flesh mixed with stomach bile was etched into memory as real as if Sophie was still kneeling over Olivia's dismembered corpse. Standing quickly she rushed to a sink in the kitchen and retched stomach acid. The rest of her stomach contents had been emptied when she murdered the girl.

Grabbing the bleach under the sink, Sophia scrubbed her hands until they were raw. She sunk down with her back against the cabinets. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to come to grips with what she had done. Sophia wouldn't have been in this situation if she hadn't made a stupid mistake on Christmas Eve.

More on the forbidden love and the rebellious henchmen soon! I apologize for the long wait, but I've been busy and in a sort of writing dry spell

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More on the forbidden love and the rebellious henchmen soon! I apologize for the long wait, but I've been busy and in a sort of writing dry spell. I hope you all enjoy this and if you see any errors then PM me or comment. Also please comment suggestions and what you've liked so far. ~ Maddie B.

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