Chapter 10

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Rape is mentioned as well as sex trafficking!

Over a hidden speaker, Professor X announced the start of the game. The lights were immediately shut off and the shuffling of feet could be heard.
She held her breath, trying to hide the noise of her footsteps. Charlotte's fingertips felt ice cold as she opened the upstairs bathroom door. A crash near the window caused her to stifle a scream. A wave of calm flooded her when the candle near the window illuminated a small bird.
Knowing she needed to hide before something happened, she contorted her body in the large cabinet on the left of the door. The door of the cabinet squeaked as she closed it. Charlotte swallowed, hoping no one had heard.
Nicholas used a secret passageway to enter the hallway right of the upstairs he slipped into the bathroom and scouted around. By some miracle he didn't check the cabinet and moved on.
Ben fumbled around until he found a doorway. The barriers had been lifted.
Ben realized that maybe the others were as well. Sprinting towards the exit, he prayed that he would be saved. Instead of being rescued by God, he was met by the devil incarnate. A hand clamped over his mouth to stop him from screaming. Something cold brushed against his neck. Soon after, his body felt weak. Ben fell limp as a crimson liquid trickled down his chest. Charlotte felt something leave here in the moment that Ben died. She didn't know what had happened, but part of her felt broken. As Charlotte huddled in the bathroom cabinet, she thought of what she would do if this wasn't just a game like Brad insinuated. Punching the dark thoughts from her her mind, she tried to imagine that everything here was just a simulation. Charlotte pretended that it was something similar to the movie 'Inception'. If she died she would just wake up in reality. Her fantasies were shattered by a scream, followed by a thud.
The lighted turned on soon thereafter. Charlotte knee something must be wrong. Someone had died or was injured. Scrambling out of the bathroom and down the starts, Charlotte was met by a horrific sight. Sophia was covered in blood. She had a large gash on her forearm and another on her calf. The body of a man in his mid-twenties lay still on the floor. Blood pooled around him as the man took ragged breaths. It was clear he wasn't going to survive.
In all of the commotion, the three survivors failed to notice the slumped over corpse of Ben in the corner of the room.

"Aren't you going to mourn your friend?" A female voice said from behind the trio.

Her voice was steady, but even without looking at her face, you could tell she was furious.
Their minds still in shock, not a single one of them jumped at her voice.
As the others turned to see who this mysterious woman was, Charlotte scanned the room for the Ben's corpse. He was the only one with them, and the woman had said that someone had died. Her eyes locked on the body of her stalker-turned-lover and she felt her body grow weak. Ben was dead.
All of the hate she had been feeling towards him melted into burning hurt and sadness. Charlotte clutched his body in her arms and cried.

"Ben... Ben... I love you. You can't be gone. I was tal-" she whispered, her voice breaking,"I was talking to you just... just a half hour ago."

Charlotte whimpered and started crying hard, ugly tears. She had lost her mom to prison years ago and now Ben was dead.
While Charlotte was preoccupied, Sophia boldly made a move to hurt the woman.

Blocking the attack, Amanda smirked, "I wouldn't mess with someone who has a knife."

Sophia knew Amanda was right, but her instincts were still on edge.

"You killed the only decent person within these walls. He saved me, protected me from your sins!" Amanda said, raising her voice.

"Decent! You call a murderer DECENT!" Sophia shouted, "He killed three of us."

"He killed two people... not three. Olivia's death is on your head."

"I...I didn't want to hurt her. I had to! He made me."

"He didn't make you do anything. You wanted her gone, you wanted to cleanse this place of your evils."

"Who are you?" Brad asked, tilting his head.

"Who cares who this sicko is!"

"You don't remember me Brad?" She asked, pouting, "Let me have Charlotte answer that for you."

Amada turned and walked to Charlotte.

"Wow what a coincidence to see you here!" She said in a mocking tone.

Charlotte turned around with tears still streaming down her face. Her eyes widened, "No, no it can't be you... you're dead or in Mexico or somewhere or somewhere but not here!!"

"Surprise!" Amanda crooned, dragging Charlotte by her hair.
"Who is this sick fuck?" Sophia asked and if looks could kill this one would.

"She was my best friend." Charlotte swallowed, "And I betrayed her."

"You didn't betray me. You did what most girls wouldn't do to their worst enemies. You handed me off to a sex trafficking ring."

"I hate myself everyday for it, I swear!" Charlotte cried.

"I was raped 12 times before Nicholas saved me. Charlotte you have to suffer for the hell you put me through."

"I'll do anything just let Brad and Sophia go."

"They're not innocent, you and I know this. Nicholas has something special planned for all of you."

I know It's been a while, but I'm back

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I know It's been a while, but I'm back. I'm a lazy fuck when it comes to writing but I also love this story too much to completely stop. I hope the twists were appreciated and I think there will only be about 2-4 more chapters after this one.

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