Chapter 9

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Sophia never thought that she would lie about her romances to her best friends, but she did. She also believed she wouldn't end up pressed against the wall and half-naked at her cousin, David's , Christmas party. The memory felt fresh in her mind.

"Hey!" David said cheerfully, opening the door for his favorite cousin.

Sophia smirked a little when she noticed his stare. Her intentions were to catch the eye of his best friend, Brett Marks, but her handsome devil of a cousin would do for now.

"You look sexy," Brett commented giving her a wink.

She felt his eyes trace her as she leaned over to grab a beer, "Brett..." She called, "Come're."

He smirked and sauntered over, "Yeah babe?"

"Don't call her babe!" A voice said coldly from behind him.

"David, please, it's just Brett," Sophia pleaded, "I know you're trying to protect me, but he's harmless."

"It's not only that. We need to talk..." David said, "Away from Brett."

She rolled her eyes and followed him into his room.

"What! I'm tired of you constantly cockblocking me."

"Brett isn't good for you."

"He's a perfectly nice guy."

"I know, but he's not right for you."

"I've been trying to find someone for months and Brett's the only decent and handsome guy I've found, so who the hell is?"

"I- I am," He whispered into her ear and placed a hand on the small of her waist.

"But we're cousins David." Sophie stuttered.

She knew she should push his hand away, but she felt an urge to leave it there. Now it made sense why he was always so overprotective of her.

"I don't care," He said, leaning into her.
Before she knew what she was doing, she was kissing him. It was wrong but it felt, oh so right. David's fingers traced her bare skin. Sophia lifted her arms over her head sensually as he slipped off her top. Every part of her knew she should stop but every part of her wanted him.
It was January 15th and Sophia was late. On New Year's Eve, Sophia and David snuck out of the family get together and drove to an abandoned church that was just outside of town. It was perfect yet the worst place, to commit sin. They had gotten high and had hot unprotected sex that night. Now Sophia was pregnant with the consequences.
She dialed his number and prayed for it tp go to voicemail, but it didn't.
"David, hi... can you meet me somewhere?" She asked, "It's important."
They planned to meet at the old church. Sophia felt sick and not from morning sickness. She couldn't believe this was happening. Driving there, she thought of the heroin that was in her glove compartment. It was just enough for her to overdose and avoid all of this but she couldn't do that to David. He deserved an explanation.
"I'm pregnant." Sophia said bluntly.
She had arrived at the church and was sitting in David's car, waiting for him to say something.
"You're pregnant?" He asked, "how?"
"Do you need a damn science lesson?! We fucked and now I'm pregnant!"
"Are you sure it's mine?"
"Of course I'm sure! I haven't slept with anyone else."
"Well what are we going to do? We can't exactly tell our parents. They don't understand us."
"I-I could have an abortion."
"No, I want the baby and I know you. The way you love kids, you couldn't abort your own."
Sophia sighed, "I know, I couldn't do that. I don't know what to do."
"We could run away and start a family."
"Where would we go?"
"Grandma and Grandpa have a cabin up north that they never use." He planned, "We could stay there until we have enough money to live elsewhere."
That was the plan. Run away and start a family. It sounded wonderful and too good to be true. Unfortunately what sounds too good to be true normally is. Three weeks after Sophia told David about their baby he commuted suicide. He purposely overdosed on heroin. His parents were devastated as was Sophia. She was now forced to be a single mom who could never reveal who fathered her child.
"I'm sorry." She whispered to the grave.
She sat in front of his fresh grave with tears streaming down her face. Sophia's hand shook as she held the syringe filled with the drug she craved. Pushing it into her veins, she felt relieved. The sedative relaxed her and she thought of all the memories her and David shared. Sophia's heart was broken.

At exactly 12:00 o'clock midnight, a metal door lowered causing the kids to be trapped inside the living room. A hissing sound started and a fruity odor filled the room. Charlotte immediately began to feel woozy. She passed out and Ben knelt beside her.
"Babe wake up! Wake up!" He shouted, shaking her.
The next to collapse was Brad. Slowly one by one they passed out into a dream-like state. It was time for the final task.

Everything felt fuzzy. His vision was blurry and he felt as if someone was pushing their fingers into the sides of his brain. Once his vision cleared, Ben noticed that they hadn't left the living room, though a few things had changed.
The wall that once had Olivia's message scrawled across it, now has four playing cards and a scroll fastened to it. The cards were backwards so that the design side was facing the teenagers. Each card had a name above.
Ben observed that where the furniture once was, was now empty space. Impressions in the carpet were the only proof that this was even the same room. The entrance to the kitchen was now a metal barrier.
Over hidden speakers can Nicholas called, in a song-song voice, "Waaake uuup!"
One by one the others woke, dealing with the same searing pain as Ben.
"What the hell is going on?" Sophia asked, looking around, bleary-eyed.
"I think it's some sort of task." Charlotte observed, peeking her card off of the wall.
"Don't show anyone your cards!" Ben shouted as Charlotte almost spoke hers aloud, "God knows what would happen if we disobeyed a rule on this scroll."
"What else does the scroll say?"
"It has instructions on how to play something called 'Live Mafia'."
"It's the game that I explained before. It's sounds good, but considering what's happened so far, there has to be some sort of demented twist." Brad theorized. He remembered that his task was to initiate the game at midnight but Professor X must have grown too impatient.

 He remembered that his task was to initiate the game at midnight but Professor X must have grown too impatient

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I've been lazy. I won't deny that, but I have been working on this chapter, slowly but surely. I hope everyone enjoys it. I do currently have a lot in my life right now. I'm in a play that starts rehearsing everyday next week (before it was Mondays and Wednesdays) as well as a job. I also started an earring business on etsy. It's called Maddie's Medallions. If anyone wants to find it and cannot, then dm me and I can send you the link :) love you all ❤️

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