Chapter 5

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The others started up to the dining room, but Olivia hung back.
"I can't leave Daniel mutilated like this. You all go and I'll be up in a few minutes." Olivia said.
They went up and took seats at the table. Olivia stayed back to stitch Daniel up.
"I see you got my note." Professor X said.
"I won't let you tell them what I've done." Olivia said Cooley.
"Oh, I would never!" He said, feigning shock, "Well I might, if you don't help me."
"First tell me what you think you know about me."
"Fine, I know that you're a paranoid schizophrenic who killed your baby sister when you were 14. You did it by drowning her and then pretending that she wandered out when you weren't looking. You have medication for your problem but you don't want to take them anyone. You want to hear the voices."
"You can't tell anyone!" Olivia begged.
"Oh I won't, but since you're my favorite, killing a child and all, I have another task for you."
"Just tell me what to do and I'll do it."
He laughed slightly, "Kill Sophia."
"Do you want me to do it in a certain way?"
The professor handed her a small bottle and said, "Poison. I have set up a feast to be eaten and just slip it into her drink. It's as simple as that."
"I...ok. I'll do it."
"Make it quick. Goodbye Olivia."
He disappeared into the walls again. Olivia ran up stairs and found everyone sitting silently.
"What's wrong?" She asked
"We all have tasks. We're not allowed to show anyone what they are and we have to do them or else we'll die. Professor X made an announcement while you were fixing up Daniel." Charlotte explained, her face chalky white.
Charlotte stared at her card. Professor X really wanted a porn show didn't he. Part of her was excited to get to touch and kiss Ben again, but logic told her that she should take things slow. They made eye contact across the table and she mouthed, 'sex?'. He nodded and she sighed.
"Ben and I share a task. So once we eat we have to go complete it."
"Ok." Olivia said quietly, going to the kitchen to pour drinks.
She slipped the poison into a glass and came back out.
"Cheers!" Olivia said
The dinner began. Charlotte smiled nervously at Ben and sipped her wine.
"I have a secret." Sophia said, almost inaudibly, "And I think it's for the best if I tell you all."
Everyone nodded and Olivia replied, "Go ahead, we can't judge here."
"When I was 15 and my cousin committed suicide because of me." Sophia sighed, "We loved each other and I killed him..."
"It wasn't your fault, you just made a mistake."
"You don't understand. I was pregnant then, and him and I were going to run away together. We were going to start a family, but it was too much for him." She swallowed, "I miscarried soon after and no one has known until now."
"Fucking hell thats just na-"Ben said
"Calm down. We all have something to hide." Brad said, covering Ben's mouth with his hand.
"I think he's punishing us for something..." Charlotte suggested, "We each have secrets and he knows that we would kill to keep them quiet."
"I would say we should reveal them all, but I think that wouldn't give us a chance of survival at this 'game'." Olivia said, "Sophia I'm sorry but my task was to kill you so I can't let you live. Charlotte and Ben, you both should complete your tasks now. I'm going to take care of mine."
Charlotte sighed. She knew that if she left the room Sophia would be killed. She was torn. Should she stay and risk dying or go and let another die. It wouldn't be the first time she let someone die.
"Ok. We'll go."
Ben arose from the table and stood. Charlotte took his hand and ascended the staircase. She looked at their intertwined fingers. Smiling, Charlotte thought about what was happening. It was strange that out of all this evil something beautiful and full of passion could possibly bloom.
The bedroom was beautiful. It had silky bedsheets and white wine on the bedside table.
She smiled as he ran his hands from her hips to the small of her waist.
Charlotte put her arms around his neck and kissed him. The kisses and motions because more passionate and soon they made love. They forgot the world around them and the man that was watching.
She sighed. She didn't want to hear what she was hearing. She needed to focus on this. Professor x had come again and told her to dismember the body and dissolve it in lye. She didn't want this, but she got to work. Sometimes you'll do anything to keep a secret.

Well that was a doozy!! So many things were revealed and someone is dead

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Well that was a doozy!! So many things were revealed and someone is dead. Thank you all for staying with me! ❤️

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