Chapter 4

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The car pulled up to Markson and the two got out. Upon entering through the front door, the smell of food and bleach filled their noses.
Olivia called out from the living room, "W- who's there?"
"Just us!" Charlotte Shouted.
Olivia walked in slowly. Her hands and shirt were covered in blood. She was visibly shaking and very pale.
"W- What's all over you?" Ben stuttered, looking faint.
"Just follow me and I'll explain everything."
Not knowing what to do, Ben and Charlotte cautiously followed. Charlotte's heart stopped and she screamed.
"Calm down." Olivia said in a slightly monotonous voice, "I didn't do this."
"Then who did?" Ben asked looking a bit sick.
"I honestly don't know." She said then proceeding to explain how she found Daniel, "I also found this beside the warning."
She showed then a note which read:

Dear miss Olivia,
This is your first task. One of the 6 that you will encounter tonight. I know you would like to practice your future profession so I am giving you an opportunity. Your schoolmate Daniel is dead. You are to find out his cause of death. You have until 9 pm and must not start until all the guests have arrived. In the basement, there is a table and tools set up for you. Upon finding the cause of death I will give you the locations of 10 blocks that tell everyone what to do next. If you do not find the cause first then his body will end up mutilated with your searchings. If you fail then another person will die. Determine his cause of death before time runs out.
Best of luck, Professor X

"I have to perform an autopsy."
"You mean like on tv where they cut people open!?"
"Yes, Charlotte but this is not television." She snapped.

He opened the wide, wooden doors that led into the entrance hall. There was a faint smell of bleach in the air that became stronger as Brad and Sophia entered the kitchen.
"Hello?" Brad called, "Is anyone here?"
A girl appeared in the doorway. He recognized her as Olivia, a quiet girl he had often seen reading medical books.
"What's that smell?" Sophia asked
"I had to clean up." She explained with a glazed over look in her eyes.
"Are you ok? What's going on?" Brad asked in shock.
"Yes, I'm fine. Follow me and I'll show you."
Brad and Sophia hesitantly followed her through the living room and down into the basement. The basement was really cold and looked almost like an operating room.
"Why is it so cold?" Sophie asked
"He set it up as a morgue."
"Isn't a morgue for dead people?"
"I'm getting to that."
She pulled a white away from a naked boy that was lying on the table. He had a deep gash in his head and dark bruises on his neck.
Ben Mendes walked forwards and proceeded to explain everything. It then clicked for Brad on why Olivia seemed so emotionless. She had to perform an autopsy of someone she knew. No wonder she was trying to numb her emotions to the pain.
"Who's all here?" Sophia questioned.
"Olivia, Charlotte, You, Brad and I. And well and Daniel," Ben said motioning to the table.
Charlotte then walked into the basement from upstairs.
"It isn't the cleanest, but I tried to bleach out the stain in the carpet."
"Thank you, Charlotte. I hope everyone is ok that I am taking charge here for now. I was the one to find Daniel and the task is mine."
They all nodded quietly and Sophia, Charlotte, and Ben left the room because they were squimish at the sight of blood. Olivia started to sterilize the instruments. There was a marking pencil so she carefully diagramed the incision. Meticulously she took the scalpel and cut a v shape from the top of his shoulder blades to the center of his chest and through the subcutaneous fat and muscle. Olivia pulled the skin back so that she could dissect the neck muscles and examine them. She removed the larynx including the hyoid bone with the tongue attached.  Upon examination, she found pinpoint hemorrhages in the neck but knew this was not enough to prove strangulation. Later Olivia examined the brain found that there were damages caused by cerebral hypoxia. He suffered severe brain damage and died as a result, not because of the injury caused by a sharp object hitting the back of his head.

"I know how he died," Oliva said sewing him up neatly.

"How?" Brad asked.

"Bring the others in first."

The others had gone outside of the room because they were squeamish to the sight of organs and blood. Brad seemed completely fine.

Upon bringing the others in Olivia Davis covered up the body again.

"How did he die?" Sophia wondered.

"He died from brain damages caused by cerebral hypoxia."


"He died from brain damages caused by lack of oxygen to the brain. This was caused because he was strangled."

"What now?" Inquired Charlotte.

Olivia sighed, "Now we wait for instructions."

"Everyone except Olivia shall leave my morgue. Olivia, you have completed my task so now I shall give you the locations of the blocks. The blocks, once set up in the right order, will show you where to gather next." a voice announced.

"Should we do what he says?"

"Yes. Otherwise, it could be fatal."

The others left and Olivia stayed behind.

A man in a mask came out of nowhere. He dawned a sleek black suit and his hair was slicked to one side.

"Hello, Olivia."

"Just tell me where the blocks are!" Olivia yelled and lunged at him.

He grabbed her wrist and twisted, "I will tell you, but you need to be patient."

"Please... Please just either tell me or let us go."

She started to cry and collapsed to the ground.

"I can't let you go. You know too much sweetheart and you'll learn more. It's time for you to complete your task so you can all move on." He said, "I will now mark the spots on the body where the blocks are found with ink."

He marked the body and then swiftly left like a ghost. Olivia then examined the Xs and began the 'operation'. She finished as quickly as possible and found the blocks, O, R, N, G, M, N, I, O, D, and I.

 She finished as quickly as possible and found the blocks, O, R, N, G, M, N, I, O, D, and I

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Thanks for sticking with me so far. Hopefully, the next chapter will be a little more exciting. Comment who you think should die. I'm excited to keep writing!!

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