Chapter 7

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"Brad, what was your task?"

"Exactly at midnight, we will be given playing cards. Whoever gets the ace will be the mafia. The job of the mafia is to 'kill' the other players. The game is played in the dark so no one knows who the Mafia is. Once a 'body' is found, the lights are turned on and everyone votes on who they think the mafia is. If they guess correctly the game ends and if not, then the person who was voted on is out and the game continues.

"So THAT'S where the Mafia comes in!" Charlotte realized.

"For now we just have to kill time."

It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. They sat on the fancy embroidered couches and stared blankly. Olivia and Daniel were dead. Everyone had a poisonous secret that stitched them all together like a quilt. A quiet Brr! Brr! Brr! vibrated somewhere in the room. It came from a phone in Sophia's pocket.

"Answer your damn phone!" Brad snapped, getting pissed.

"It's... It's not mine..." Sophia stuttered.

"Oh fuck no! It isn't.... Its Olivia's isn't it," Charlotte gasped.

"Just answer it!" Ben snapped.

Tensions were high. They all were, at least indirectly, involved in two murders.

"I can't..." Sophia said, "It feels wrong. I killed her and using her phone seems disrespectful. I didn't want to murder her and I want to give her soul peace."

"First off, you would be dead if you didn't kill her. Second, she doesn't deserve peace. You don't know what she's done."

"Charlotte, what did she do?" Ben asked seeing the sadness in her eyes.

"It's more evil than anything any of us has done," Charlotte explained.

"Just tell us, babe," Ben coaxed and Charlotte tensed at the word 'babe'.

"Olivia... killed her baby sister. She has, err," Charlotte stuttered, "had schizophrenia too. I think that's why she killed her."

"That's sick," Brad stated.

"You have no right to say that. You killed your own damn grandmother!" Ben spat.

"We can't turn against each other," Sophia reminded, "We need to get out of here alive."

"What's stopping us from walking right out the door and leaving. Professor X only seems to mess with us through each other and words. He didn't kill anyone except Daniel, but Daniel was alone and virtually helpless. Or maybe we should just call the cops and say we were coerced under duress." Charlotte explained.

"We should just leave. That way the police won't find out our secrets."

"That sounds way too easy, but let's try."

The four remaining guests stood and hesitantly walked towards the now-ominous-looking small side door. Charlotte's high heels tapped loudly in the otherwise silent moment. They could be home free. Sophia reached a shaking hand out to the silver door handle. It was cold to the touch. Her delicate hand turned the knob; it was unlocked!

She opened it carefully and expected to feel the chilled night air. Instead, they all faced bleak, silver sheet. There was a thick metal wall in the way of escape. Ben rushed around to the other doors and windows and they were all the same. Markson Mansion looked old and decrepit from the outside, but it was unusually technologically advanced in the innards of the structure. Someone had spent months, possibly years, on this building.

"Someone planned ahead."

"We're trapped unless we comply with his rules."

"I think we should just call the police," Sophia said opening her phone.

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