Chapter 2

267 16 32

Sophia Williams

Sophie yawned sleepily and got up to get ready. She was on summer break and it was almost up. She studied her wristwatch, and the time was 10:32 am. Sophia needed to get up earlier, specifically since her rehearsals were beginning earlier soon.
"Arsenic and Old Lace" was the production that Trenton high-school performed that fall. It's a sinister comedy show about a man's aunts that murder men with elderberry wine spiked with arsenic. Her character , Abby Brewster, the aunt of the main lead, she needed to snatch her script and start preparing.
Just as Sophia was about to rehearse, her mother arrived with the mail.
"Hey sweets, there's a letter here for you." She said plopping it down on her desk.
"Thank you, mom," She replied snatching up the letter.
Sophie didn't get mail usually, considering it is such a digital age nowadays, but that day was different. The letter was white and had a sticker holding the envelope closed. The front was weird. It had a blood-like border and: "You're Invited" scrawled in black. She hastily opened it, Sophie didn't get invited places often and found the  invitation to be pretty gnarly.

It read:
Place: Markson Mansion
Date: August 15th at 6 pm
Character: Miss Brown
Costume: formal

On the back on the invitation it said to dress according to the role given. Luckily Sophia had been hoarding her old Halloween costumes and last year she was a 1920s rich woman. She was uncharacteristically excited about this party and wondered if they invited any of her friends. It was strange. Sophie wondered who else was going, but it quickly fled her mind when she remembered she needed to practice her lines for, 'Arsenic and Old Lace.'
After practicing for a little while she posted something about it on Instagram to see if anyone at least from her school had also gotten the strange letter. Four people responded to the post by direct-messaging her.
Olivia Davis, Charlotte Smith, Brad Moses, and Ben Mendes.
She thought over this list of people. How were they all connected? Olivia was a highschool junior and a very strange gal. Charlotte was a quiet sophomore, but Sophia knew she had an eye for trouble. Charlotte had a blog called, 'Oops my bad' where she revealed secrets of anyone and everyone. Sophia was the only one who knew it was her, and Charlotte had threatened her with it a lot. They all had secrets, but Sophia didn't want her's out. It was horrible, awful.
Brad was attractive and intelligent. He liked to act too, and they have been in a few productions together. Actually, he had landed the leading role for 'Arsenic and Old Lace,' which was surprising for a junior.
Daniel had dark hair and crystal blue eyes. He also spoke with a light Italian accent. He was a new kid last year, so not very many people knew him.
Ben... she didn't know entirely where to start with him. He was a dick, and a whiny little bitch. She didn't know him well, but he was a player and a cheater. Two things she couldn't despise more in a man. Unfortunately, he was a senior like Sophie.

Olivia Davis
Olivia Davis scrambled to get ready. She was late for work! Working at a funeral home wasn't ideal, but she needed to if she wanted to afford to go to college. Olivia wanted to become a coroner once high school ended. The problem with that; her family wasn't the richest nor even mediocre. They were broke as fuck. She had to work her ass off to get a car and now she had to work hard for college. Yawning and rubbing the sleep from her eyes she got up and showered. Part of her wanted to slam her head against the wall because of the torture of her pounding head, but she figured that wouldn't help much. Olivia thought over what she had to do at work that day. She worked at a funeral home to open doors, help families and sometimes to witness embalming. Once Olivia finished showering, she dressed in her nicest black clothes. Olivia rushed out the door and grabbed the mail, she always rifled through it as she rode the bus to work. One letter stood out to her and she furrowed her brows. It was strange. The back had a sticker picturing playing cards and the front had a blood-like border with: "You're Invited" scrawled on it in black. Olivia opened it quickly, making sure not to tear it. She saved envelopes because she couldn't spend money on them.

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