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"You know what this team really needs?"

Yoongi frowned at the blonde waiter, who often took to hanging out in the kitchen despite having plenty of work to do in the dining room. "What is it Jimin?"

"We need to do some team building!" Jimin exclaimed, "This team isn't cohesive! We need to really get to know each other to uh... optimize work performance and increase productivity."

The head chef rolled his eyes. Jimin always seemed to have some cracked up scheme, which he would inevitably always have to shoot down. "I assume you have a suggestion for this 'team building' exercise?"

"As a matter of fact I do!" Jimin announced, "There's this new gay club that opened just down the street and-"


"But you-"


"You're not even giving my idea a chance!" Jimin pouted.

"Did you really think I would endorse my employees going out and getting drunk on company time?" Yoongi chided, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Awe c'mon it'll be-"


A nefarious idea suddenly popped into Jimin's head, and he grinned widely. "You want to go clubbing, right Hobi?"

Hoseok, who had only half been listening to their conversation, glanced up from the stovetop where he was working. "I... I don't know. I've never been clubbing before."

"What?!" To Jimin, who went out almost every weekend, the fact that Hoseok had never stepped foot in a club was almost unfathomable. The club was a magical place filled with hot men, sensual dancing and any alcoholic drink you could ever want. It was basically heaven. "Well now we have to go! Hobi, you'll love the club!"

Hoseok pursed his lips together thoughtfully. He wasn't sure if clubbing was really his scene. He had never been much of a drinker, and he enjoyed dancing, but only when he was in his apartment all alone. Dancing in public was embarrassing. Even so, Jimin looked excited to about his team building plan, and Hoseok didn't want to disappoint him. "I guess I could try it."

"Yay!" The blonde celebrated, turning back towards a stern Yoongi. "See boss, you wouldn't deny Hoseok his first clubbing experience, now would you?"

Yoongi quickly glanced over at the red-haired chef who was grinning happily at him- as usual. He sighed, immediately knowing he was defeated. "Alright fine Jimin, you can all go to the club after work today. Just promise me you won't come to work hungover tomorrow."

Aha, Jimin smirked to himself, what a simp.

"Are you coming too sir?" Hoseok asked hopefully. The club might not be so bad if Yoongi came with them. Working with Yoongi was one thing, but they didn't talk much outside of their training sessions and work, and Hoseok wanted to get to know the man beneath the chef's coat a little better.

"Oh please," Jimin quickly dismissed Hoseok's question with a wave of his hand, "Chef Min would never-"

"I'll go," Yoongi blurted out without thinking, immediately regretting it. Why did I just say that? I hate clubbing. Jimin stared at him a little dumbstruck.

The others all agreed to walk to the club together after work. Yoongi set a curfew of 1am so that they wouldn't be too tired the next day and insisted that they limit drinking as well, which led to Jimin calling him a stuffy old grandpa. Still, they all agreed to his conditions and buzzed about for the rest of the day in excitement. Even Yoongi found himself looking forward to it, for one reason and one reason alone- so he could spend time with Hoseok.


"Jimin we have to wait in line," Seokjin explained, pointing to the end of a long line of men that wrapped around the corner of a busy city street. The city was illuminated with streetlights and bright business signs in shining neon colours. The Suga's staff had finished their day at work and walked a few blocks to the newly opened gay bar called 'Daydream'.

Jimin chuckled and brushed off the comment, as he kept moving towards the entrance, surpassing the entire line with the rest of the group following behind him. He walked straight up to the terrifying 6'5" linebacker-looking bouncer at the door, rose up on his tippy-toes and whispered something in his ear. The bouncer immediately flushed bright pink and opened the door immediately, ushering him and his group inside.

"What do you think he said?" Seokjin asked Taehyung as they walked in, the bass of the house music booming through the floor.

"I don't think it mattered what he said," Taehyung shrugged, "He's Jimin. Most men- even the straight ones- go weak at the knees just on sight. I call it the Jimin Effect."

When Hoseok entered through the door, he was hit by the thundering electro beat. What was likely hundreds of men were packed onto the dance floor, jumping and swaying to the rhythm, some with colourful drinks in hand and others in some of the coolest outfits he had ever seen. It was dark but bright multicoloured lights flashed all around the room, flickering to the beat of the song. There was a faint smell of sweat and alcohol that lingered in the air, but Hoseok decided that he didn't mind. A wide grin crept up onto his face. 

At first he wasn't quite sure if he would like clubbing- it might have been too loud or overwhelming, but now that he was here, the room was exhilarating, a kind of energy that brought him to life.

He almost didn't hear Yoongi address the group over the blasting music.

"Alright I'm paying, guys. Get whatever drinks you want," He sighed, as Jimin bounced up and down excitedly. Yoongi scowled at the blonde, "Don't go crazy."

Hoseok watched as Jimin rushed up to the bar and ordered something. The bartender brought him back three tiny glasses filled with a clear liquid that he proceeded to down one after another. Taehyung ordered some orange drink with a little umbrella sticking out of the top, Seokjin got a pink drink with a lime slice and Jungkook (fake ID prepped and ready) got a beer. Other than the beer, Hoseok had no idea what all of the strangely coloured drinks were.

For Hoseok, the idea of drinking alcohol at all wasn't a very pleasant one. His father had shown him early on what alcohol could do to someone, and how it could make them act. It wasn't something he ever wanted to try. He walked up to the bartender nervously.

"Um, do you have any Sprite?"

"Of course!" The bartender giggled a little. People didn't often ask him for soda, but he always kept a little store of it under the bar, just in case. He poured the canned drink into a glass with ice and put various lime slices in it to make the sugary drink look like an alcoholic beverage, then handed it over to Hoseok who was beaming at how pretty it looked. "Here ya go hun, I made it look like a mojito for you."

"Mojito," Hoseok repeated the funny-sounding word. He grinned up at the bartender and thanked him before returning to his coworkers.

This was going to be a fun night.



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