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A loud voice bellowed through the penthouse, with Seokjin quickly following behind it, storming out of his room, completely red in the face.

"Yes?" Namjoon asked tentatively, wondering what the hell he had done this time to make his boyfriend so upset.

"You will not believe what Hobi just sent me!"

Namjoon breathed a sigh of relief and took a sip of his morning coffee. Not me this time. "What did he send you honey?"

Seokjin was too enraged for words, so he shoved his phone in front of his boyfriend's face, waving it around erratically. Namjoon grasped the brunette's phone to steady it.

HobiHobi: hiya jin hyung sorry i havent texted u back im super busy!!

HobiHobi: u dont have to pick me up for work anymore, ok? i found my own way there

HobiHobi: c u at work later hyung! \(^-^)

"What's wrong with it?" Namjoon asked unknowingly. By the scowl that set in on Seokjin's face, he knew immediately that he had fucked up.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH IT?" Seokjin repeated, as if it was the stupidest question to ever be posed. "OH I DON'T KNOW, MAYBE JUST THE PART WHERE HOSEOK JUST SAID HE DOESN'T NEED ME ANYMORE, HMMMM?"

Namjoon paused and took a second to reread the text messages. "It doesn't say that though..."

"You're kidding right?" Seokjin seethed, "Ever since he and our pint-sized goblin of a boss started hanging out, he's been ignoring my texts and acting weird at work. It's like he doesn't even want to be friends anymore..."

"You know that not what he meant," Namjoon rolled his eyes. It was way too early for Seokjin's antics. "Why don't you stop being dramatic and just talk to him?"


Seokjin stormed off, slamming the bedroom door behind him. Namjoon went back to doing his morning crossword puzzle. 

It was just a regular morning in the Kim household.


"Morning Kook!"

"Hi Hobi!" Jungkook matched the red-haired chef's energy as he skipped into the kitchen that morning, bicycle helmet tucked away under his arm. "Guess what?"


"I aced my calculus exam!" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Wow! That's great Kook!" Hoseok congratulated him. Calculus. He was a little surprised that Jungkook was even enrolled in a calculus class, not that he didn't seem like a smart boy, but he often had a 'no thoughts head empty' look in his eyes that made Hoseok think that he wouldn't fully grasp advanced integration. "What is it that you study at university again?"

"Oh- I'm studying nuclear physics," The brunette responded with his usual wide-eyed expression and bunny smile, "With a minor in medical biotechnology."

"Uh-" Hoseok blinked at him. What.

"It's really fun!" Jungkook beamed, as he usually did when someone asked about his university work. "I think I might go for my master's degree after!"

It was just then that Seokjin trudged into the kitchen, dragging his feet and bringing a melancholy aura into the restaurant. He walked straight over to his station without even acknowledging his co-workers, immediately beginning his prep work for the lunch rush.

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