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It was said that God created the world in just seven days, so that was the exact timeframe that Jungkook gave himself to make Taehyung fall in love with him. 

After all, Jungkook decided, if creating the universe was so easy, surely making someone fall in love with you would be a piece of cake, right?

At first, Jungkook didn't know how to go about it, but then he remembered a penguin fact that his biology professor had once shared with the class.

Penguins, specifically the Adelie and Gentoo varieties, would give the penguin with whom wanted to mate the smoothest pebble that they could find. If the penguin accepted their gift, then they would build a nest together and mate. This all made perfect sense to Jungkook.

"Seems easy enough," Jungkook thought to himself, "All I have to do is find a smooth rock and Taehyung will love me forever."

On the first day, Jungkook brought a rock to work. He had spent hours the night before on a walking trail just outside of the city trying to find the perfect one. It was difficult, because every time he found one that seemed right, another even better rock would show up. Once he decided on the right one, a small, rounded piece of blue agate, the boy stayed up the entire night polishing out all of the rough edges until it was smooth like butter. The perfect pebble to win Taehyung's love.

When Taehyung arrived at work that day, Jungkook was eagerly awaiting him at the entrance of Suga's. His bouncing excitement startled the older, who hadn't quite been awake yet when he walked through the door.

"Good morning TaeTae!"

"Morning Kookie," Taehyung chuckled and shook his head at the goofy brunette. "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for you!" Jungkook explained, "I have a present for you!"

"Um, why?" Taehyung asked, furrowing his brow, "It's not my birthday or anything."

"Just because," Jungkook shot him a playful grin, "Now close your eyes!"

Taehyung obliged the younger's request, shutting his eyes tightly. He could hear Jungkook giggling, which made him mildly concerned. All of a sudden he felt Jungkook take his wrist and place a cold smooth object against his palm.

"Okay now open!"

Taehyung opened his eyes and stared down at the blue stone that Jungkook had placed in his hand. "Wow that's pretty."

"You like it?" Jungkook gave Taehyung puppy dog eyes, waiting expectantly for his reaction.

"Yeah Kook it's great," The older man grinned, studying the little rock intently, "Thanks!"

"You're welcome!"

With that, Jungkook walked away to start his day's work, completely satisfied with his efforts. Taehyung had accepted the stone. In the penguin world, that now made them eternal life partners.


On the second day, Jungkook had another idea, courtesy of Hoseok's brilliant mind.

When Jungkook had explained his plan to the kitchen staff, Hoseok suggested that he buy Taehyung coffee, since when the red head made coffee for Yoongi, Yoongi always gave him kisses.

Jungkook decided that he definitely wanted kisses from Taehyung, so he decided to give it a try.

When Taehyung arrived at work that morning, he was once again greeted at the door by the hyper dishwasher, who was carrying two Starbucks coffees in a tray.

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