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"Hobi baby, wake up."

Hoseok shifted slightly, letting his eyes slowly flutter open. It took a moment for his confusion to subside, Yoongi's living room wasn't what he had expected to wake up to. Oh yeah, he thought, the events of earlier slowly coming back to him. Yoongi crouched down next to him, gently running his hand over Hoseok's shoulder. The younger decided that he liked waking up to the sound of Yoongi's smooth voice. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hands and propped himself up.

"Hey sleepyhead," Yoongi cooed. The red head's hair was poking out in all directions, and he had indents from the pillow lining his cheeks- all of which made him that much more adorable.

"Hi Yoongi hyung..." Hoseok mumbled sleepily, he looked around noticing the sunlight was no longer streaming through the loft windows. "What time is it?"

"Its 10:30."

"You let me sleep through my entire shift?" Hoseok's eyes suddenly shot open.

"You were tired, I didn't want to wake you," Yoongi shrugged, "Plus it wasn't very busy today. Seokjin and I handled things."

"I'm sorry..." Hoseok stared down at his bandaged hand.

"Don't apologize baby," The older said firmly, pressing a tiny kiss to the tip of Hoseok's nose, "Never apologize for taking care of yourself."

Although not entirely convinced, Hoseok nodded. He quickly pulled out his phone and noticed ten missed calls from Seokjin, but put the phone away, deciding that he would call him back later.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" The head chef asked.

Hoseok shook his head quickly. He had already bothered Yoongi enough for one night. "I can just take the bus."

"Sorry, I made the mistake of phrasing that as a question," Yoongi frowned. "You're not waiting for the bus all alone in the middle of the night. I'm driving you home."

Yoongi took Hoseok's uninjured hand in his and helped him off the couch. They left Yoongi's loft together, and out to Yoongi's black sedan where Hoseok typed his address into the car's GPS. The older started the engine and began to drive out on route towards Hoseok's apartment, one hand casually holding the steering and the other still holding onto the red head's hand as if it was the source of his lifeforce.

Now Yoongi wasn't one to be judgemental, but when they turned onto the potholed streets of the sketchiest part of Seoul, he begun to get a little anxious. He watched as two men on the street corner did a weird looking handshake. Yoongi recognized it as a drug deal, Hoseok just thought they had a fun secret handshake because they were really good friends.

As they pulled up to his building, Yoongi grimaced at the state of it. The building was in tatters, the bricks crumbling away and the metal accents rusted. There was a dead squirrel on the walkway up to the entrance, illuminated in the flickering yellow light posts. Yoongi stared dumbfounded at the smiley boy in the passenger seat. Hoseok should've resided in a bright yellow townhouse on Sesame Street, not on the dangerous streets of Seoul.

"I'll walk you to the door," Yoongi insisted, worried knots forming in his stomach as he saw the bushes outside of the building rustle.

"It's okay you don't-"

"Hoseok I don't want to have to hire a new chef because you got yourself killed taking the elevator up to your apartment," Yoongi told him seriously, "I'm walking you in."

Yoongi held Hoseok closely as the younger fumbled with his keys to get into the building. He quickly led Yoongi to the elevator, the shaky clanking machine sounding like it would give out at any moment. The apartment complex had a strange musty odor that very much did not agree with Yoongi's sophisticated chef's nose. When they arrived at Hoseok's shabby door at the end of the hall, the red head quickly unlocked his door and instinctively went to flick on the lights, only for them to not light up.

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