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"Just make yourself at home, okay Hobi?

"Okay," Hoseok agreed, his eyes travelling around the high-ceilinged loft that he would- at least for the near future- be calling his home. Hoseok didn't have many possessions and they all easily fit into a duffel bag and a rolling suitcase, which he carefully carried into Yoongi's apartment.

At first Hoseok was worried about imposing on Yoongi's space, but his relief once he left his showbox apartment for the last time overcame any worries he might have had. Yoongi showed him each part of the loft: the bathroom, the fully stocked kitchen (a very welcome change) and the guest room where Hoseok could stay. After a quick kiss, he left Hoseok to settle in and unpack.

Hoseok studied his new room. It was nice- a large window facing east, overlooking a city street without friends with secret handshakes, and a large queen-sized bed with a beige comforter. Hoseok was quickly realizing that Yoongi wasn't a fan of bright colours. Hoseok unpacked quickly, placing his carefully folded clothes in a dresser and setting up his blue horse plushie on the bed, before he heard a soft knock on the door.

"Hey Hobi," Yoongi popped his head into the room, noticing that Hoseok had changed into a pair of plaid pyjama pants and an oversized white t-shirt with a picture of a cartoon frog on it. Very cute, Yoongi decided. "I just wanted to make sure you had everything you needed."

"I think I'm okay, thanks Yoongi hyung," Hoseok grinned, rocking happily on the balls of his feet.

"Okay good, just let me know if you need anything," He mirrored Hobi's smile and went to leave.

"Oh wait!" Hoseok rushed over to the doorway, startling Yoongi as he planted a deep kiss on the dark-haired man's lips, pulling him in tightly for a moment, before pulling away with a satisfied grin. "There, goodnight kiss!"

Yoongi chuckled, "Goodnight Hobi baby."


Hoseok was awoken by the warm rays of sun streaming into his room, a few tiny birds sitting on the phone lines outside his window were chirping adorable little songs. He stretched out into a starfish pose, absorbing the light like a solar-powered battery. The new environment was like a five-star hotel compared to his last accommodations. The bed smelled faintly of lavender, probably from Yoongi's laundry detergent.

Hoseok picked up his fully charged phone from the bedside table. 6:37am. A perfect time to wake up, Hoseok thought to himself cheerfully, getting up to start his morning.

He made sure to be quiet now that he was living with Yoongi, not wanting to wake his new roommate accidently. That meant no singing in the shower and limited dancing around as he got ready. Since Yoongi was still asleep when he finished getting ready (it was 7:12, how could anyone still be asleep), Hoseok decided to make a surprise breakfast for him. He settles on pancakes, because only a cuckoo head wouldn't like pancakes.

Searching for the right ingredients was difficult since he was unaccustomed to Yoongi's organizational methods, but eventually managed to find everything he needed. Hoseok mixed together the pancake batter to the perfect consistency and begun heating up the frying pan.

As he was in the midst of flipping pancakes, Hoseok heard a grumble come from behind him. He turned quickly, coming face-to-face with a zombie... well actually it was Yoongi, but he could've easily been mistaken for the undead. He still looked half-asleep, his hair disheveled, and pyjamas wrinkled, as he trudged across up to the kitchen island and slouched into the bar stool chair.

Hoseok giggled, "Good morning!"

"Loud..." Yoongi grunted

"Oopsies sorry. Good morning," He repeated quieter.

Yoongi didn't reply, instead putting his forehead down on the cold countertop with a little thump. Hoseok grinned, noting that his new roommate was not much of a morning person. He quickly flicked on the espresso machine, filling the kitchen with the warm roasted aroma. Hoseok quickly brought the steaming mug over to the older man, hoping it would help to wake him.

Zombie Yoongi habitually sipped at the scalding hot liquid, as Hoseok returned to flipping pancakes. When Yoongi eventually started to show some signs of life, he realized that Hoseok was making breakfast in his kitchen- a picture that was very welcome.

"Are you making pancakes?" Yoongi inquired lazily, peering over to the stove.

"There he is," Hoseok laughed, plating some of the flapjacks and arranging fruit on top. "I thought I'd make pancakes for you, is that okay?"

"Is that okay?" Yoongi repeated, staring blankly at the beautiful red head, "Hoseok I want to marry you right now."

Hoseok burst out into giggles and brought Yoongi a plate of perfectly browned pancakes with blueberries arranged into a smiley face on top. "Stop joking around and eat your breakfast."

Haha yeah joking, Yoongi thought to himself, poking the pancake with his fork as Hoseok sat down next to him. Yoongi gave him a kiss on the cheek which, of course, made the younger's cheeks go pink. "Thanks for the pancakes Hobi."

"You're welcome," Hoseok replied softly, pouring maple syrup over his pancakes. "I like making breakfast foods best because they're sweet."

"Just like you baby," Yoongi picked up a blueberry and brought it up to Hoseok's lips. "Open."

Hoseok did as he was told, opening his mouth so that Yoongi could feed him. He wasn't sure why, but he maintained eye contact the whole time and his stomach did a somersault. He watched as Yoongi's mouth pulled into a half-smirk, eyes locked on the red head as the younger swallowed the fruit.

"Good boy," Yoongi hummed, going back to his own plate as if nothing had happened. "Eat quickly, we have a training session this morning."

"O-okay..." Hoseok stammered, confused why he felt so tingly from his boss' praise.



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