
120 16 5

Double update :)

It hadn't even been thirty minutes and Jungkook was already crying in a bathroom stall.

I shouldn't have even come out tonight, he thought to himself, as tears gently trickled from his red puffy eyes down his cheeks and landing on the dirty tile floor. Crying in the club. Camila Cabello would be so disappointed in him right now.

His coworkers had tried to convince him not to join them (he was underage- just nineteen- after all), but he had an old fake ID that his brother had given him, and quite honestly, he really wanted to dance with Jimin tonight. But now he just felt stupid. Really fucking stupid.

"Jungkook, are you in here?"

Jungkook lifted his head at the familiar voice. It was probably the only person that he wanted to talk to right now.

"TaeTae..." He whimpered.

Taehyung rushed over to the stall door, knocking on it lightly. "Oh thank god Kookie, I've been looking for you everywhere. Can you open the door for me please?"

Jungkook slowly unlatched the door. As Taehyung's concerned face appeared, the younger burst into another round of waterworks. Taehyung quickly wrapped him in a tight embrace and Jungkook melted into him, grabbing hold of his shirt with two balled up fists. "Oh Jungkookie, what happened? What's wrong?"

"I'm so s-stupid TaeTae..." The brunette wept softly, his tears now dampening Taehyung's gray t-shirt.

"You're not stupid Kookie, don't ever think that," Taehyung consoled him, rubbing the boy's upper back soothingly. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"I j-just..." Jungkook started quietly, pausing to sniffle and try to compose himself a little. "I thought that Jimin would want to dance with m-me tonight... but he was dancing with that random guy instead."

"Oh Jungkookie, I'm sorry-" Taehyung sighed. Of course, Jungkook was heartbroken. Jimin hadn't wasted any time when they had arrived to lock down the first hunk he could find as a dance partner... and a possible bedroom buddy for later. That was just how Jimin was, you couldn't really blame him for it, but looking down at the disheveled boy in his arms, his heart couldn't help but break as well. "I know you have a little bit of a crush on Jimin but-"

"I don't have a crush on him!" Jungkook cried, "I love him!"

Taehyung let a long breath pass through his lips. Jungkook definitely didn't love Jimin. The blonde barely even spoke to him. Jungkook was just caught up in a crush and didn't have the experience to know better. "Can I ask you why you love him, Kook?"

"I dunno..." The brunette sniffled against Taehyung's shoulder. "He's pretty."

"Mhm..." Taehyung hummed. There was certainly no denying that, but love required a lot more than just appearances. "Have you ever thought about someone who has a little bit more in common with you? Or maybe someone you like talking to? Jimin certainly is pretty, but I don't really think you two are a good fit."

Jungkook pulled away sharply, a look of hurt flashing over his eyes, "You don't think I'm good enough for him?"

"Oh god Jungkookie, no!" Taehyung panicked. "If anything it the opposite. Jimin just isn't ready to settle down with anyone, and you deserve someone who will put you first all of the time and treat you like a prince. You're so sweet and handsome Jungkook, any guy would be lucky to date you."

And then it happened. The butterflies arrived in his stomach. How had he missed this? He had been so focused on Jimin, that he hadn't even considered Taehyung. Jungkook stared up at him like he had just hung all of the stars in the sky. The gorgeous dark-haired waiter with the beautifully tanned skin and sharp brown eyes- he had cared for Jungkook since day one. "You... you think I'm handsome?"

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