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Yoongi made his way to the local bar down the street from his restaurant, hating himself the entire way. Why did I just do that? Hoseok had only followed their agreement to live together until he found somewhere else. Even so, how could he want to leave so quickly? How could he leave me?

Yoongi sat down at the bar and ordered a whiskey. It was a hard liquor type of day. Halfway through his drink, a handsome Chinese man came to sit down next to him.

"Rough day?" The stranger asked.

Yoongi glanced over at the man and sighed, "You have no idea."

"You wanna talk about it?" The man offered, "Sometimes it helps."

Yoongi considered. Usually he wouldn't have shared so easily with a complete stranger, but alcohol always had a way of loosening his lips. "I got mad at my...uh, my roommate."

The stranger nodded. "And you care about this roommate?"

"I care about him a lot," Yoongi admitted, "We agreed to live together until he could find another apartment. I came home today, and he was looking at rental websites. I guess I got kind of pissed that he wanted to leave me."

"Hmm," The man thought about it a little, "If you wanted him to stay, why didn't you just ask him to move in with you permanently?"

"Ugh I don't know," Yoongi shook his head, "Cause I was just pissed off."

"It seems like you and your roommate need to improve your communication," The stranger noted, "Communication is arguably the most important skill to have in any relationship. If you have any chance with your 'roommate', you have to talk to him. Tell him how you feel."

Yoongi stared at the stranger for a second, "What are you, Gandalf or something?"

"I'm just a regular guy who likes to party and gets written into every kpop fanfiction despite having no rational function within the plot of the story itself," The man grinned.

"Huh weird," Yoongi pondered aloud, "Well uh, thanks anyways-"

"Jackson," The stranger finished Yoongi's sentence, "Jackson Wang."

"I have to go find my roommate," Yoongi got up from the bar, "But it was nice to meet you Jackson."

"Likewise Yoongi."

"Hey," Yoongi furrowed his brow, "I never told you my name..."

"Don't worry about it."

The next thing he knew, the stranger had disappeared into thin air, leaving Yoongi wondering if he had really existed at all or if Jackson was simply a figment of his imagination.


When Yoongi returned to the loft, the lights were all off, and the space was emptied of all of the red head's decorations. And Hoseok was gone. It wasn't that the dark-haired man had expected his roommate to stay and wait for him, but they had to talk and Yoongi had no idea where he went.

After thinking it through a little bit, there was only one place Hoseok would've gone. Seokjin's house. Luckily, Yoongi very conveniently had a copy of Seokjin's address in his employee records. He quickly hopped into his black sedan and started towards Seokjin's house, hoping that he hadn't fucked things up that badly. 

Yoongi pulled into the parking lot where his GPS took him and walked into the building lobby where a directory was posted on the wall. He ran his finger past all of the names until he found "Kim Namjoon/Kim Seokjin – Penthouse".

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