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August 2021, Heathrow Airport
The Potter and the Weasley-Granger households were at the muggle airport in the early hours of the morning. Why? They were going to Croatia for two weeks.

Almost everyone was half asleep except for Lily and Hermione. Lily was too excited for their trip and Hermione knew muggles the best, meaning she had done all of the booking and was the only one to know how to make it to the gate and board the plane.

She had booked two weeks at a resort near the ocean in Croatia. It was a really nice resort and everyone's was looking forward to it. It was early august and the children had a month left of summer break until it's time to take the train back to Hogwarts. James would start his sixth year in September.

He got along very well with his cousins, Rose and Hugo but he was far closer with his cousin Fred who would also start his sixth year. Fred and James were attached to the hip and it was very uncommon to see one without the other nearby.

The families had checked in their bags and were walking towards the tax free. Hermione had told them that the tax free had an extremely good alcohol section, which gave the adults a little more energy and they hurried over to the big store with the kids trailing slowly behind them.

Rose, Albus and James were still tired and it was a miracle that they were walking. James' hair was a mess, he had always been unable to tame it, just like his father and grandfather. James was wearing grey joggers and a black t-shirt.

Rose had her fiery red hair in a ponytail and she wore a unicorn jumpsuit that her mother had gotten her for her birthday. It was perhaps not the most suitable outfit for travelling but according to Rose it was 'So cozy she could live in it'. She would also kill anyone that would dare to touch it.

Hugo was riding on Ron's back with his head resting on Ron's shoulder and he was fast asleep. Lily was talking excitedly with Hermione about what they could do there, getting even more excited as she heard about the water and amusements parks.

When they arrived at the tax free store, Rose saw the big make up section lighting up a part of the airport.  All of a sudden she wasn't tired anymore and dragged Lily with her. Together they examined all of the perfumes and tried them on. Then their eyes caught sight of all the nail polish, lipsticks, lipgloss, eyeshadow and every makeup product a teenage girl could wish for. It was like a beauty paradise. No, it was a beauty paradise. Ginny would later on have to drag them away from there or else they would miss the plane.

Ron had woken Hugo up and let him down. Hugo had complained a little but Ron was not having it. The parents had then walked over to the alcohol section, leaving James, Albus and Hugo standing there like three idiots in the middle of the big shop. James was holding his suitcase in one hand and his pillow under his arm.

"Look at that candy section." Hugo stated as he pointed at the other end of the store. James and Albus looked at where Hugo was pointing and boy did they love muggles for a moment. It had aisles filled with candy. Like heaven for a little kid.

"We gotta buy a little of everything and try it on the plane!" James exclaimed as he took one of those shopping baskets and filled it with everything he could find.

You could say it was pretty expensive investment, but James had no perception of muggle money whatsoever.


As they were waiting at the gate, James was mindlessly looking around when his eyes caught sight of a dirty blonde haired girl sitting with two adults and a little boy.

She had ocean blue eyes, earphones in her ears and a black handbag next to her. She was wearing black yoga pants and a white t-shirt. James couldn't stop looking. He even noticed the silver necklace she was wearing. It sparkled in the airport light.

"Albus, that is one hell of a woman. Just look at her." he said as he elbowed Albus in the gut. "Ouch!" he exclaimed. James rolled his eyes, Abus exasperated everything. Albus then looked in the direction where James had nodded to see who he was talking about.

"She is way out of your league, brother." he stated and he went back to his drawing.

"She looks to be about our age, like sixteen." James continued as he looked at the beautiful girl. He put his head in his hand and admired her from afar as she listened to her music, having no idea about this teenage bloke staring at her.

When they had boarded the plane, James was sitting with Rose and Albus next to him. Lily and Hugo were a row behind them with Ginny. Harry, Ron and Hermione were sitting in front of everyone, chatting happily.

James, Albus and Rose were trying the different candies and so long James favourite was the m&m's, Rose liked the liquorice the most and Albus thought the most of what they had tried were pretty disgusting.

James took up the gigantic lollipop he had bought and unwrapped it. "Why is it a bunch of normal lollipops, where is the gigantic one?" he said in a pout, very disappointed as he took up a lollipop.

Just as he said that, the pretty girl walked by, chuckling at what he had said. Behind her, her little brother was dragging his backpack on the floor.

He had the same dirty blonde hair and a few freckles dotted across his face. He looked at them and waved, just like they knew each other.

"That boy is so familiar." James told Rose and Albus as he unwrapped the lollipop. Rose agreed but Albus did not, according to him, he had never seen him in his entire life.


They had hopped on a buss at the airport in Croatia that would take them to their hotel. Unfortunately everyone had fallen asleep during the ride, even Hermione so they nearly missed their stop.

They had exited the buss in haste and were walking to the reception, dragging their suitcases behind them. When they walked into the reception, James saw the gorgeous girl from the airport, standing and talking to the receptionist with her family.

"This is fate, brother." James stated as he looked down to the right at his brother. Albus only rolled his eyes. James could not believe his luck.

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