chapter two

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August 2021, The Pool
It was a sunny day outside and Ava was swimming with her brother in the pool again. They were laughing and splashing water on each other. Sometimes she actually missed acting like a kid.

James was sitting next to Albus while looking at her playing with the little boy who seemed to be no older than thirteen.

Ava looked over at him and without missing a beat, he winked at her, getting an eye roll in return before she went back to playing with her brother. This time she was wearing a green bikini. Of course she looked gorgeous in both the red and the green.

James still couldn't remember where he had seen that boy before. James followed her with his gaze as she went up to dry herself, her brother was still swimming around in the pool.

Her parents wasn't nearby so he decided to gather some courage to go and talk to her again. Maybe it would go better this time?

"Can I at least know your name?" he asked the girl as he appeared beside her.

"What if I don't want to tell you?" she questioned and tilted her head to the side while looking at James.

"My name is James if you wonder." he said, holding out his hand for a handshake, he just hoped she wouldn't leave his hand hanging.

"Mine is Ava." she said, taking his hand. She didn't know why she told him her name, originally, she had planned on not telling him.

"Ava Potter, that does sound good." James thought out loud while smiling to himself.

"Your last name is Potter?" Ava asked surprised. She remembered all those times her brother had talked about a man named Harry Potter who had apparently saved the wizarding world and that his kids were going to Hogwarts with him at the moment. But they were a few years older than him.

"Wanna go get ice cream, Ava?" James asked, ignoring Ava's question about his last name.

"What if I have a boyfriend?" she countered, crossing her arms over her chest, which she shouldn't have done, James had a hard time just looking at her face, not that he was complaining, Ava was outrageously gorgeous.

"Then I will be very embarrassed and hide in my room for the rest of our visit." he replied smiling, even though he was a bit sad that she was taken.

She patted him on the shoulder and begun to walk towards the ice cream stand. She turned back to James who stood pathetically with his arms hanging on his side. "You coming or not?"

A big smile spread over James face as he hurried up to Ava. "It's a date." he exclaimed.

She only rolled her eyes as a response. As they got their ice creams, Ava needed to know if James really was the famous Harry Potter's son.

"So, where do you go to school?" she asked James.

"Boarding school is Scotland, you?" he replied. That boarding school sounded a lot like Hogwarts. She had always been a bit jealous that her brother got a letter and not her.

"A public school in London." she told him. When she gets back to her hotel room tonight she would ask her brother about the Potter family, it can't be that common to have that last name.

"Didn't catch your last name." James stated as they finished up their ice creams.

"That is a secret for now." she replied before throwing her ice cream cup in the nearest bin.

Ava had no intentions of telling James her last name, if she would, he would probably search her up and stalk her entire family. Ava saw her mother coming their way, she had been on a walk outside the resort with her father, looking for some places to eat.

"Hello, I'm Mathilda Jones, Ava's mother." she presented herself as she took out her hand.

"Hello Mrs Jones, I'm James Potter." James greeted her politely as he took her hand, then he turned to Ava and grinned.

"Did you say Potter?"

"Yes." he replied unsure. This was the second time a Jones had questioned his last name.

"Well, we will see you tomorrow." Mathilda exclaimed as she clapped her hands together and took her daughter with her.

As they got away from a pretty dumbstruck James, Mathilda just had to ask her daughter if it was true. "Is that Harry Potter's son, the one Charlie can't stop talking about?" she asked her daughter.

Ava then proceeded to tell her that it was possible, but she didn't have any good facts so they would just have to ask Charlie back at their bungalow.

Their bungalow was placed at a pretty good place, not too far away from the pool but not too close so you would hear the people at the bar late at night.

They walked into the bungalow to see Charlie watch Martin do a magic trick with a deck of cards.

"Hello, darlings." he greeted the rest of the family as he saw them enter.

"Hello, dad." Ava smiled before she rushed to her room to charge her phone. Her dad laughed lightly at her actions.

"Guess where I found her." Mathilda said, smiling as she sat down on a couch near her husband and son.

The house smelled just as it should do on a vacation, fresh and with some tracks of snacks in the air.

Without waiting for response, she continued. "She was talking to a young handsome guy at the bar."

Martin's head perked up at statement. "Did they do anything inappropriate? How old was he? Did he seem to want anything from our daughter?"

"Martin honey, relax." Mathilda interrupted him. "There is just something we need to ask."

"Does this man, Harry Potter have a son named James?" Mathilda asked Charlie as she turned to her son.


"Is he by any chance the guy that is living at this resort?" Mathilda continued.

"Yeah, but I don't think he recognises me." Charlie said with a pout. Mathilda then turned to her husband with a knowing look. "This James boy seems like a good guy."

"But I didn't think he would've, all the people he hangs out with daily, it must be hard to remember all those names." he said." He really gets all the girls." Charlie continued.

"That is a red flag." Martin said as he pointed his finger at Charlie, then at Mathilda. Matilda only rolled her eyes at him before leaving the room.

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