chapter seven

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August 2021, The Carnival
They had taken a taxi into to the city. It wasn't long, maybe a thirty minutes ride. But it was very painful for Harry and Albus, who had shared a taxi with James. He kept whining about not seeing Ava for half an hour. Some of it was just jokes but Harry could see through his son sometimes.

When they arrived at the carnival they were met by blasting music, big crowds, a lot of shouting and cheering and the sound coming from all the little stands.

The first stop was lunch. The big group quickly divided into smaller groups. Lily, Rose, Ava and James went to a hamburger place.

Albus, Charlie and Hugo went to a taco shop. The adults had trouble deciding but just went with hot dogs.

A band came to play at the hamburger restaurant and the four kids listened to their music while eating. "I want to go on that rollercoaster." Lily said eagerly and pointed towards the worst of them all.

"You're gonna make me sick, sister." James muttered as he watched the people in the rollercoaster scream for their lives. "You don't like rollercoasters?" Ava asked.

"Unfortunately I don't." Jame shrugged before taking a bite of his hamburger.

"Then let's go for a ride." Ava stated.


"We are going to go ride that rollercoaster like Lily wants." Rose explained, pointing at the same rollercoaster as Lily did a minute before.

After the rollercoaster James wanted to throw up, luckily he didn't. Lily and Rose went for another go, fortunately for James, the line was long so he was going to be alone with Ava for a while.

When he smelled the scent of popcorn he grabbed Ava's hand and went looking for the popcorn guy. "Where are you taking me?" Ava asked, she was both excited and curious. He didn't respond but let go of her hand when he stood in front of the popcorn booth.

James bought two popcorns and two sodas. "I wish life could stay like this." James sighed as he looked out over the carnival.

They chatted for a little while. But then James spotted two read headed teenagers making their way to them. So, for the second time that day he grabbed Ava's hand, since he did it quite drastically, she spilled both her soda and popcorn on the ground.

He ran through the crowd, away from his sister and cousin and stopped to hide behind a booth. Both of them were out of breath when they arrived, their food was long gone, probably spilled on the ground somewhere.

Ava was the first to say something, which was something James was going to remember for the rest of his life. "It seems like I owe you a kiss."

"Seems like it, yeah" James stated as he looked down at her with a big grin. James had a hard time to stop smiling when he felt Ava's lips on his. She put her hands on his cheeks to bring him closer to her and James' hands found her waist and dragged her closer.

Ava pulled away and decided to approach the subject about Hogwarts. She was pretty sure about the facts, his dad was legit named Harry and Charlie says that all the teenagers goes to Hogwarts with him. Plus, how common could the surname Potter be.

"So," Ava started as she cleared her throat. James just looked curious at her. "how's life as a wizard?" she asked.


"You know, how's Hogwarts?" she tried to joke as she shrugged her shoulders.

"What- How did you- When?" James stuttered. He thought that he had hidden his nonexistent knowledge on muggles pretty well, plus who could figure it out.

"Charlie, my little brother is what you call a muggle born I think." she answered. "I'm not really sure about all those terms you have."

"So you know about the wizarding world?" James asked, still very confused with a lot of unanswered questions.

"Yeah, but I'm not a part of it. It's just my brother." She sighed and looked out back over the carnival. She heard people cheering, people shouting and the rollercoasters rustling. She even heard the faint sound of somebody shouting her and James' names.

She was going to say something about how they should get back when James turned her face back to his and kissed her again. When he pulled away he was smiling. "I am extremely happy right now."

"Rose probably wonders where I am." Ava said, smiling back at James.

"Then let her wonder." he stated. It was all it took for her to stay with James behind that booth. Sometimes kissing and laughing, or just talking. But mostly snogging.

After half an hour, music started to come from Ava's pocket. James jumped away from her by reflex. Ava just laughed at his silliness and fished her phone out of the pocket and answered the call.

"Hello, mum." she said into the phone while beaming at James. "You can't see us? Well we can see you." she said into her phone as she took James' arm and dragged him with her towards their parents.

"Oh my god, I'm waving at you!" she exclaimed into the phone before hanging up. "What just happened?" James asked.

"My mum called me, she asked where we were." she stated simply. Ava started to locate the big group in the crowd. "But how?" James exclaimed.

"Right, I forgot that you're pretty dumb." Ava said with a grin as her mother waved at her. James just rolled his eyes.

"Where have you two been?" Martin asked his daughter while giving her a stern glare. "We tried to win a gigantic teddy bear, unfortunately we didn't." Ava lied with a shrug.

"Yeah, sure." Rose said, smirking at James and Ava. James hit her on the arm to quiet her down, but the most of the adults already knew what had happened.


They had gotten back to the hotel, it was still sunny and a few hours until dinner. So they decided to change into their bathing suits and go for a swim, at least the teenagers did. Ava's parents and her brother went back to their bungalow, mostly so Martin could complain about James to his wife.

The rest changed and went to the beach that was located next to the hotel. Albus had even decided to come with them. They arrived at the beach and everyone went into the ocean immediately.

Ginny, Harry and Ron were splashing around on the teenagers while they tried to shield themselves from the water. James splashed water at Ava and she splashed back at him, but with more force, which made James stumble and fall into the water.

When he got back up, he shook his head like a dog and practically leaped at Ava, dragging her under the water with him. When they were over the water again, they just laughed at each other and continued to splash water at everyone.

They stood next to each other, attacking Rose and Albus with water. "So how is it at Hogwarts, please tell me everything." Ava pleaded.

"Yeah sure. Well it's a big castle in Scotland, we take a train from a special platform at king cross station every year, but you probably knew that." James started and looked at Ava, she just nodded at him.

They had stopped their war with Rose and Albus and swam away from the group. "Well there are a bunch of different classes, potions, charms, transfiguration, magical creatures, astronomy-"

"Astronomy? Like stars and stuff?" Ava asked, excited.

"Yeah, not my favourite subject but I guess it's okay." James said with a shrug.

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