chapter four

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August 2021, The Resort
They returned back at the resort by noon and went back to their rooms and took some showers.

James had beaten Albus to the shower and only to tease him further, he took an extremely long shower. He used all of the hotel products, the shampoo, conditioner and soap.

As he stepped out of the shower, the mirror was all steamy but he just smirked at himself and did some poses before he messed up his hair. "Hey Al! Can you hand me the shirt and pants that are on my bed?" he shouted from the bathroom.

"Nope!" Albus responded after some time. James almost thought that he had left the room.

"Then I'm coming out naked!" he yelled.

When he got no response he exited the bathroom to see Albus laying peacefully on his bed.

"Have you done something?" he asked suspiciously as he walked over to his bed and took up his clothes.

"Nope." Albus replied, popping the p. But James could make out the grin slowly forming on his face.

"Al, what did you do?" he asked, a lot more seriously.

"I may have cut a hole in your pants" Albus sniggered as he looked up from his book, but he made sure that the book covered the lower half of his brothers body.

"Oh, come on." James groaned as he took up his pants and examined the big hole.

"You know what?" James asked. "I will wear them anyway."

"Good for you." Albus replied. "You can show of your sexy butt."


James had changed pants when Albus was in the shower, he had switched out his and Albus' pants.

He had originally planned on meeting the family at the reception to take a cab to a city nearby for dinner. But he let Ava make him late. He had spotted her at the bar with her brother who seemed to enjoy a bowl of chips while she laughed with him about something.

So, being the awesome guy he was, James strutted up to them and leaned against the counter behind Ava, he made eye contact and smiled at her brother.

"Hey I just cleaned those! Get away." the guy working at the bar exclaimed as he pushed James off the counter.

Ava then turned around and looked curiously at James. "Hello there, James." she greeted him. "Seems like your grand exit didn't succeed."

"Appears to be something like that, yeah." he smirked. "But that was my plan all along."

"Hello, James." greeted her brother.

"Hello little guy." James said before he turned back to Ava. "So what are your plans for the upcoming days?"

"I don't know. Maybe swim, eat, relax, take some massages." she responded.

"Aha." James said like he got a brilliant idea.

"What did you discover now?" Ava asked, she didn't know if she wanted to know or not.

"Nothing, I just wanted to say that. But are you interested on going to a carnival with me in a few days?" asked James as he leaned against the counter again, only to get shoved off by the bartender, again.

"Yeah, no." Ava stated as she took a sip from her fruit drink.

"I can pay."

"Good try." Ava replied as she patted James on the shoulder.

James left the bar after that, going to meet up with the rest of the family that was waiting for him at the reception. All of them were hungry and in a bad mood.


Rose had left the room she shared with Lily and walked down to the beach to take a night swim. She brought her swim suit with her in case somebody would be there, but she hoped nobody would be because she quite enjoyed swimming alone. If that was the case, she wouldn't need her swimsuit.

She sighed when she saw somebody reading a book on a deck chair, when she walked closer, she realised that it was the girl James couldn't shut up about. So maybe, it wasn't that bad of a situation.

She approached her and sat down next to her on another deck chair. "Hello." she greeted the girl cheerfully.

She looked up from her book, "Came here to take a swim?" she asked, nodding towards the swim suit in Rose's hands.

"Yeah, what's your name?" Rose asked as she made herself comfortable on the deck chair, it was kind of breezy outside.

"Ava, I came out here to get some silence and read my book, but on a second note, a night swim would be really nice." she said as she put in her book mark and closed her book.

"My cousin, who I am pretty sure you know, won't shut up about you. I would like to get to know you to see if you're that great." Rose said as she turned to Ava and smiled.

"Really, how much does James talk about me?" Ava asked, very amused of how much James seemed to like her.

"James? My cousin's name is Lucas." Rose said, puzzled.

"Who?" Ava had no idea who this Lucas was, the only boy she'd had contact with was James.

"I'm kidding, James is my cousin." Rose joked. Ava let out a small laugh and looked up at the stars. "Do you know anything about stars constellations?" she asked.

Rose was on the verge of telling her all about her Professor at Hogwarts who teaches her astronomy, but settled with a much more simple answer. "Not so much, you?"

"I know some of it, it's more of a hobby since it isn't really a subject to be taught at school." Ava started and smiled to herself as she looked at the night sky.

Rose did too and after that, the conversation just seemed to become more interesting.

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