chapter three

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August 2021, Hotelroom
James went back to his hotel room to make himself ready for dinner. He entered the room and saw Albus buttoning his shirt.

"Albus, I know her name, Ava Jones." he started dreamily as he sat down on the nearest chair. "She goes to a public school in London." he continued as he dragged a hand through his unsurprisingly messy hair.

The door opened again and Rose popped her head in. Her hair was damp, she had probably just gotten out of the shower.

"So-" she started.

"I don't need your advice anymore, Rosie. All that I need is my charm." James interrupted her as he stood up and went over to his suitcase.

"I hadn't planned on helping you. But we are going to a water park tomorrow." she informed them.

"That is fun, right Al?" James grinned as he took up his dinner pants from his suitcase. "I guess so." Albus answered as he sat at a desk, writing a letter.

"Stop writing to your boyfriend and be a part of the conversation, Albus." Rose demanded playfully as she saw him crouched over the table.

Scorpius Malfoy and Albus Potter were a thing. Everyone knew that, which was pretty funny since their dads despised each other when they were at Hogwarts and they still kinda did. But they let their sons date each other.

James took out a plain white shirt from his suit case as Albus finished his letter. "Uncle Harry made me do this because he was too scared to do it himself." Rose said before she took a deep breath. "We need to be up by seven am tomorrow to leave the hotel. Bye." she added in one breath before she closed the door.

Inside the small hotel room Albus and James were staring at the closed door in shock, both of their jaws were at the floor and their eyes widened.

"Did she just say what I think she said?" James asked his brother.

"If you mean that we need to wake up at seven tomorrow, then yeah." Albus confirmed.


At seven o'clock Albus and James woke up because someone was banging on their door, constantly.

They had then gone down to the restaurant for breakfast, which never failed to let them down. The breakfast buffet was delicious and it got everyone in a good mood.

Lily and Hugo were laughing together at a table while stuffing their stomachs full with waffles and strawberries. The rest of the company sat at another table, for some reason Hugo and Lily didn't want to sit with them.

After about an hour and a half they had finished their breakfast and he boarded the bus that would take them to the water park. The bus ride wasn't too long but it had provided Rose a lot of time to inform everyone of James's failed attempts at getting a girl at the resort.

James didn't think it was worth telling them that he knew her name because they would only laugh at that too. By the time they had arrived, everybody was laughing and they were in an even better mood than before.

The park had a lot of pools and water slides, food trucks and ice cream stands. It was surprisingly many families there at 9 o'clock. But that didn't stop them. James, Rose, Ginny and Ron headed towards the worst slide first. Hermione sat down near a restaurant and took out a book, preparing to get a tan and read.

Harry, Hugo and Lily decided to throw water at her while Albus went to sit in the shadow and eat some fries. Water parks was just not his thing.

Hermione looked up from her book when she heard somebody shouting her name. She saw her husband, Ginny, James and Rose sprinting towards her all wet from the slides.

"You can't sit around and do nothing, honey." Ron said as they approached her.

Just as he said that, Lily and Hugo had brought buckets with water from a pool nearby and emptied it over her legs. They didn't want to get too close to her book. Harry stood and grinned next to Ron. Which had ended with her sending a stern glare at the two teens and almost started to shout when Ron covered her mouth with his hand.

They had gotten Hermione to join them for one water slide before she went back to her original place. Their next goal was to get Albus to do something, he had only lasted for three rides before he also gave up. Saying the same thing Hermione said, "Water slides are not for me."

Hermione had then gotten some company while the rest of the family went back to having their type of fun.

As they stood in line for a water slide, Rose spotted a blonde girl. "Hey, James. You remember that girl from the resort you couldn't get?" she teased him.

James only rolled his eyes, he was used to Rose teasing him about it. He nodded his head, waiting for her to say something witty.

"Isn't that her?" Rose continued as she pointed to a girl in the line.

James eyes widened, he didn't understand how lucky he got that he was at the same water park as her, at the same time.

He left his place in line and strutted over to her. He didn't even notice the group of girls standing next to her. "Hello, Ava." he smirked as he approached her.

"Ava?" the girl said in a terrible accent. "I'm Laura."

James moth formed an 'o' as he realised that Rose had tricked him. He then realised the four other girls eyeing him suspiciously. He quickly said goodbye to them before he strolled back to his place next to Rose.

"You tricked me." he muttered.

"I know." Rose grinned as she high-fived Ginny.

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