chapter eight

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August 2021, The Sea
"Okay. Personally, I would kill to be taught about stars and galaxies, I have to learn it all on my own." Ava said with a fake pout.

"I am also on the quidditch team." James smirked. "That's why I'm so fit." he added. Ava just hit him playfully on the shoulder.

"You know what quidditch is?" James asked.

"Barely." Ava answered honestly. "Well I know that you are making goals while flying on brooms, but that's when my knowledge stops. You don't have to explain it really, I want to know more about your life there." she said, excited again.

"Well I'm in Gryffindor, like your brother, pretty much all the Weasley are in Gryffindor, but now when we are so many, some are sorted into the other houses." James stated.

"What the heck is a Weasley?" Ava stated as she frowned at James. "Oh it's a family." he answered.

"I'm no genius but your surname is Potter." Ava said, looking at James. "My mum's maiden name is Weasley, Rose is a Weasley, her dad is my mums sister. The family is really big so I have a bunch of cousins." James said. "My mum's brother George has a son named after his dead twin." James said.

"Did he die in that war your dad fought in?" Ava asked curiously.

"Yeah, never met him. I was born too late, I'm sure I would've loved him. But the guy named after him is my best mate, we do everything together, host parties in the common room, pull pranks and cause havoc." James smirked.

"Really? You're a rule breaker. I would never have guessed that." Ava replied sarcastically with an eye roll. "Ha ha, very funny."

"Please tell me more about your family, mine is so boring, I have like one cousin and a grandma." Ava pleaded playfully.

"Yeah sure. So if you want to summon it up, my mum has five siblings, my dad has none. Fred, my cousin is my best mate, but I'm good friends with all of my cousins, but I talk less with some. My grandpa is really invested in muggles, he's really happy that uncle Ron married a muggle born."

"I wish I had an interesting family." Ava groaned.


It was long after dinner time, the sun was setting. But James and Ava were walking in the beach. Talking about everything from earth to heaven.

James was wearing simple blue jeans shorts and a white t-shirt. Ava was wearing a summer dress with flowers on it. James could stare at her for hours. She truly was perfect. He took her hand as they were walking down the beach.

They had been at the restaurant eating earlier. However they wanted some time together without their families. There was only a few days left and James didn't know what he wanted to do when they get home.

"I am in need of some fire whiskey." he said, out of the blue. "What?" Ava asked and looked at James confused. God she was so pretty. He loved the way her nose scrunched up when she was confused and the way the sun made her eyes glimmer.

"Alcohol, fire whiskey is alcohol. Let's steal from the bar shall we?" he asked with a grin.

"Oh, you're on. Let's do it." Ava said.

Together they sneaked up to the bar. It seemed like nobody was there so James leaned over the counter and took the first two bottles he reached. Then they ran away laughing. They stopped under a gigantic palm tree and sat down. They couldn't stop laughing and smiling.

They opened the first bottle, "Vodka. What is that?" James asked. "Very strong alcohol, James. Like the strongest and it doesn't taste good if you don't blend it out." Ava said. "How do you know that? Hmm?" James asked and raised an eyebrow. "I'm well educated." she said with a grin and opened the vodka bottle.

"Here." she said and gave the bottle to James. "Ladies first." he said giving it back. "Fine, wuss." Ava said before gulping it.

"Your turn." she said and handed it back. They kept doing this. Switching between drinking and talking. Ava told James about her life back in London. She had two close friends that she did everything with. They knew everything about each other and they already knew about James. She sneaked around a lot with them. Her father was very strict but Ava had found a way to sneak around right under his nose.

He thought her friends were angels and let her spend weekends at their houses. When in reality she went out. Her favourite drink was peach ice tea and she loved her mother food.

"Any exes?" James asked curiously. "You want to go down that road?" Ava asked and raised and eyebrow.  "Do you want to tell me about your exes?" she asked.

"Don't have any." James said. "Okay, but have you ever fooled around with anyone?"

"So maybe not talking about exes." James concluded and giving back the bottle to Ava. "Thought so."

"Tell me more about your life." James pleaded.

"I don't know what more to say." Ava said with a laugh. "How's school?" James asked. "It must be different from Hogwarts.

"Yes very different, James." Ava said. "Well to start with we don't have any of the subjects you have. Which makes sense. We learn languages, for example French or German. Of course maths and science. I guess science is a bit like your magical creatures class however still not alike. Science is nature and chemistry and physics." Ava continued."Do you keep up?"

James nodded, "Well... what is math?"

"Mathematics, number and stuff. We have a class dedicated to counting and solving math problems. Do you not learn that?"

"I don't know, I've always just known." James shrugged.

"We study history."

"Oh! We do that!" James exclaimed. "Well, we call it History of magic. But it is history."

"Some similarities." Ava laughed.

"JAMES!" James and Ava looked in the direction of the voice. Ginny was making her way to the beach.
"Hide the bottles, quick!" James whispered. Ava took them and put them under her dress.

"Hey mum." James said, innocently.

"Hello James and Ava."

"We're gonna go to sleep now, when will you come back?" she asked and let out a yawn. "Soon, mum." James said with a smile. "Have you been drinking?"

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