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June 2023, King Cross station
Two years later and James had now finished his seventh year at Hogwarts. He had just gotten back to King's cross station with the Hogwarts express and he had an arm around his girlfriend, Mavis Longbottom.

They had been together for about a year and it was going great. James rarely thought about Ava anymore. But sometimes, late at night she could pop into his head with her cute smile. Although he didn't feel as strong feelings anymore. It was good memories he had made in Croatia. But now he had Mavis, she was amazing.

Ginny and Harry were so proud of James and Mavis. They were done with school and could pursue their dreams. James wanted to travel and play quidditch for a professional team. Mavis wanted to study herbology just like her dad and maybe become a nurse at st Mungos' Hospital.

Lily had found herself a boyfriend too, Lysander Scamander. They were really adorable together. He was going to spend two weeks with the Potters this summer. Lily had loved magical creatures since forever. So having her boyfriend related to Newt Scamander was a miracle come true for her.

"How are you guys?" Ginny asked as she gave Lily a big hug. "We are all going to grandma and grandpa tonight since you've all come back." she informed the kids. "You're both welcome, Mavis and Lysander." she said with a smile. "Yes absolutely, you're family now." Harry said.

Albus wasn't with his mum and dad. He had been with Scorpio on the ride home and was talking to Draco. Unfortunately Scorpio's mother had passed away a few years ago.


James couldn't help but turn to the fourteen year old boy who shouted. He was running across the platform. He knew that kid very well, Charlie Jones. James hadn't talked much to Charlie over the last two years. But he had greeted him in the common room and helped him when he wanted to try out for the quidditch team. He was a very sweet boy. He had grown a lot over the last two years. He was a lot taller now and he had started to speak funny. James had distanced himself from Charlie for a reason. He reminded him too much of a special someone.

However, as James he expected, he saw Ava standing next to her parents on the platform. She was smiling widely when she saw her brother running towards her. She had a pink jeans skirt and a white tank top. She had white sneakers and her hair was laying over her shoulders. Charlie hugged his sister and didn't let go for a while.

James could faintly hear Charlie saying, "I didn't know that you would come." Then he heard him ask something that made a pit in James' stomach. "How is it with David?"

James couldn't help but to look down at his feet when she answered. "We broke up." Ava said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Charlie said. "No, no, it's okay, it wasn't meant to be." Ava said and looked up. She made eye contact with James. She smiled at him and he smiled back. Although she saw the girl he had his arm around. They were too friendly to just be friends.

It was stupid of her to believe that James had been waiting for her, she hadn't waited for him. She had been together with David for over a year when he surprisingly broke up with her a month ago.

James excused himself from his family. He was walking towards Ava and she was looking at him. Harry and Ginny watched as he approached Ava. They both wondered what he was going to do. James stopped in front of her. "Hi."


"You- you look great." James said as he gave Ava a hug. "I see you have gotten a girlfriend." Ava said with a laugh and nodded towards Mavis.

"Yeah, Mavis is fantastic. Amazing." he said as he looked at her. "I'm gonna propose to her soon." he continued and looked back to Ava. "It was very nice to see you." he said with a smile.

"Yeah, it was nice seeing you again." Ava said, smiling back.

But when James turned around to walk back, Ava couldn't help but shed a tear. When she saw Mavis running to James and hugging him, she felt more tears coming so she turned around and hugged her dad.

James looked back to see Ava hugging her dad. She seemed fine. So how is there that James couldn't feel fine?

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