chapter five

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August 2021, The Hotelroom
James was sleeping peacefully in his bed, but unfortunately woke up by his awful sister banging on the door. She didn't stop and James had to physically drag himself away from the comfy sheets and open the door to stop the banging.

"It's lunch time, you idiot!" she practically yelled in his face. James just stared at her wide eyed, he had not been prepared at all for this to happen not even ten minutes after he had woken up. "We are going to lunch."

"What are you talking about?" James asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"Stop being dramatic and get your arse out of your bed, now!" she said. James noticed that Albus had left the room and turned back to his sister. "Leave without me, I'm dead inside." he declared dramatically as he waved his hand at his sister, gesturing for her to go away.

"What did you do all night?" she questioned as she crossed her arms over her chest, dismissing James' gesture.

"Practise." he stated, rubbing his eyes.


"No, I can't do it here. I was out in the tennis court, doing laps, push-ups. The usual, you know."

"Yeah yeah, I know you like exercising but mum and dad wants you to come with us to lunch." she explained as she walked into the room, opening his trunk.

"We are going to eat with a family Rose met at the resort-" she started as she took up a blue t-shirt and a pair of shorts.

"But I want to see Ava." he whined and closed the door.

"Unfortunately you can't. So stop whining and get dressed." she demanded before handing him the outfit and walking out.

He grumpily put on the shorts and t-shirt before quickly messing up his hair and leaving the hotel room.

As he walked into the reception he spotted Ava and her family talking to his. As he connected the dots he held out his arms as some sort of welcome gesture as he exclaimed, "What a pleasant surprise." looking directly at Ava.

"You are related to Rose here?" Mrs Jones asked with a smile. Her husband didn't seem to enjoy himself just as much now as he did before.

"Yeah, we are cousins." he stated happily as he looked over at Ava, unfortunately she didn't look back because she was in an intense conversation with Rose.

"Yet so different." Mr Jones whispered to his wife. He still didn't like this boy nor was he going to give him a chance.

"Shall we head towards the restaurant?" Hermione interrupted the moment that was getting more awkward by the second. James trudged along the rest of the group with Albus by his side. He was still sleepy and wasn't even hungry.

The restaurant wasn't too far away so they got there quickly, it was a cosy and small place. Not too crowded and their menu looked good. Judging by the people that worked there, it seemed like a family were running it.

There were a set of twins, a boy and a girl who took the orders. They seemed to be no older than twenty. A little kid played with an iPad in a corner while an elder lady sat next to him. She tried to get his attention away from the device with a toy but she was unsuccessful.

They couldn't see into the kitchen but James guessed that the parents were in there, cooking the food.

The girl twin came to take their order, a brunette with brown eyes. She was wearing a red apron over the outfit that was pretty similar to her brother's. She was wearing a beige blouse and a black skirt. He was wearing a beige shirt and black shorts.

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